[p2p-research] free lunch?

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sat Jul 31 05:01:52 CEST 2010

Rough draft of Stage0 toward Citizen Owned Production

Most every home and business owner dedicates Land, Water, Tools and
Labor tending non-productive plants while productive plants are
shunned because:

1.) The owner does not have the time and skill to maintain these more
sensitive organisms and the complex ecosystem they should enjoy.

2.) The owner does not have the time and skill and equipment to
harvest, process and store those products.

3.) There is usually "too much" of each of those products for a single
owner, and so much of the harvest goes to waste, causing logistic
problems of 'mess' and also some psychological trauma.

But there are many people in need of food that *do* have the time and
skills we need.

How to pair them up?  And how to make it worth the owners' trouble?

We do this by noticing the profound value in the product itself.

We strike a deal between owners and workers thus:

A.) We will install beautiful yet productive plants for the same price
as non-productive plants.

B.) We will contract with you to tend those plants and harvest the
products in perpetutity at NO COST to you except we will retain some %
of that harvest as payment.

C.) We will optionally process and store your % at NO COST to you
except we will retain some further % of that harvest as payment.

D.) We will optionally prepare your % into advanced solutions, even
fully prepared meals at NO COST to you except we will retain some %
further of that harvest as payment.

For example, if the owner allows us to plant 4 Pecan trees, he can
receive 4 bushels of unshelled Pecans, or 2 bushels of shelled Pecans,
or 1 bushel of shelled Pecans stored by us, or 8Pecan pies, or 4 pecan
pies stored by us, or 2 fancy pecan-chicken dinners, etc.

The owners want landscaping; we will give them permascaping.

But instead of a one-time installation that the owners must then fret
about, we continue service of those organisms in perpetuity and manage
the outputs to whatever degree those owners decide.

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