[p2p-research] In the Future, We'll All Wear Clothes Made by 3D Printers [3D Printers]

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 18:22:25 CEST 2010

  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: In the Future, We'll All Wear
Clothes Made by 3D Printers [3D Printers] via Gizmodo by Kat Hannaford
on 7/30/10

...Though I hope the fashions will have changed by then, as these
current examples look like plastic chainmail. Some designers are
already using 3D printers to create textiles apparently, with the
possibility of creating tailor-made figure-hugging being an attractive

Fashion site Ecouterre has an article on the 3D printed clothes
phenomenom, and the museum of Modern Art is exhibiting the Dutch
designer Freedom of Creation's works already. It's not just the lure of
having clothes that fit properly that's appealing for designers—3D
printing also helps cut down on labor costs and could be seen as
reducing waste. [Ecouterre via BoingBoing via FabSugar]

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