[p2p-research] Patrick Andersons proposal

Matt matt at digiblade.com
Fri Jul 30 18:02:38 CEST 2010

I like the thoughts you laid out on your recent blog post. Over the last
year, I have been looking at many alternate currency models and decided on
one that had a capacity to blend currencies at the user level while
generating income for the community as whole. While my intentions are good,
the 'how' was; how do you translate those profits to the community in a way
that shows their 'investment'. In solving that problem, solves another
problem; the voting system for what to do with that profit. I suppose, the
more transactional activity, the more 'votes' one can use (this would also
include purely barter transactions as well). The only abuse I can think of
in this system so far is example: two single moms bartering babysitting
services between each other at a ridiculous  hourly rate to generate more
'voting' points. 


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