[p2p-research] Defining Altruism ? Normative vs Autonomous ? Liberal Vs Conservative ?

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 21:11:37 CEST 2010

Kevin Carson wrote:
> assertion that copyright violations
> like file-sharing are theft is also religious.

Sharing 'files' is only the tip of the hideous iceberg.

Disallowing the copying of lifeforms and medicines makes this new
imperialism much more immediately and obviously against the original
goals of society.

This disgusting tyranny is a result of inverted priorities caused by
the homicidal and even eventually suicidal direction we follow as we
attempt to keep Price above Cost.

For as long as we are unwilling to question the reason for
incorporation and the meaning of this value called 'Profit' will we be
confused about why our efforts can never address the problems they
pretend to want solved.

To solve any problem in any permanent fashion is to destroy Profit
which is only a good thing when the initial investors are those who
intend to benefit from the results of that production.

And such a system can only be held in place if any profit collected
from latecomers is treated as an investment from those payers so they
become owners as well - protecting them from paying tribute to knights
such as Bill Gates.

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