[p2p-research] . A cloud backup for the internet

Matt matt at digiblade.com
Fri Jul 23 17:18:54 CEST 2010

I too share this concern. There are Senate meetings going on right now in
the US concerning the creation of an internet 'Kill Switch'. While doing R&D
for a major law firm, I came across various holographic backup systems
employing bit-torrent and par files. But, as previously mentioned, it would
take much resources to back up the internet.  What I've done, if the
internet were to go down is: Have a static IP and record important static
IPs The only way to truly kill the internet is cutting all the wires, If
there were a collapse, it would not be all at once (provided there is still
electricity) and the DNS servers owned by the US would go out first. Next, I
have terabyte's of data already stored on a bunch of external hard drives
(these are also backed up on DVD media). Lastly, get a ham radio license and
a radio...that was the 1st internet :-)

On another thread, I found this decentralized open source project quite
interesting...perhaps a replacement for Ning ?


cheers !


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