[p2p-research] The problems of debt

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 01:41:17 CEST 2010

ps / note : as to try avoiding misunderstandings, and for the record,

in the context of this thread, when I made a comparison with a machine,
following up on Ryan,
I did not necessarily mean to enter an interpretation related to a
patentable machine.

I might mean a set of principles that can be used by a system,
a system which can be compared in terms of using a metaphor, a machine.

although i realize that the machine metaphor may be more related to ,
subjectively from a perspective I choose to take, an outdated industrial

perhaps we can use another metaphor, saying it is like a network.
a network of agents, which make choices according to contexts,
and that certain axioms/principles/practices that can be mutually understood
and agreed upon can be chosen to be implemented in certain contexts.

other people might call it a society.
and i hope not a coercive society.


I am not a lawyer and it is late night, so perhaps some will play games and
make me sound like I may be contradicting myself.

I just do hope that such understanding can avoid anyone from making claims
of wanting to own and control the value generated by choices made between
agents, whether people, or networks of agents in transactions.

I would also hope that people would not make any claims that would lead them
to accumulate beyond their personal use, resources from others through
coercive practices.

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:29 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> That makes sense, as an operating system is, a software machine.
> exactly. I was meant to start my reply with "yes Ryan! a machine! :)"
>> I see where you are headed on open versus coercive...it is an interesting
>> line.  Enabling is the key.  The idea must be that people receive more value
>> by sharing than not.
>> The further I go, the more I realize the only possible system (not the one
>> most desired) is markets.  Whether markets can function in a post-capitalism
>> world (a world without debt driven growth) is indeed an interesting
>> question.
> YES ! I can agree, Absolutely !
> Including...
> A MARKET MADE OUT OF DONATIONS :))) ... ( where we choose which
> interdependencies to participate in or not - based on transparency )
> facilitating a transfer of resources into "communal sharing" relational
> dynamics.
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