[p2p-research] criticizing zeitgeist movement and venus project

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 17:28:39 CEST 2010

HI Robin,

I would welcome such a piece, if you ever had time for it, even a summary
like below with some references ...

I started seeing the first video, and it was clear to me that it was a
conspiracy piece, and therefore dangerous ..

however, people insisted that I should continue watching after those 20
mins, but I never did, and that the 2nd one was so much better ...

this being ssaid, it did not seem to me that the people involved are
actually bad people, their mostly constructively focused, so they seem to
pass over the conspiracy and anti-semitic elements,

what I mean to say, it's seems sloppy thinking, not a conscious intent,

they work a lot about resource based economics,

what part of your critique of zeitgeist, does or does not apply to the p2p


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Robin <robokow at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Dear list-members,
> From time to time I still meet people who advocate the Zeitgeist movement
> and the Venus Project. I have criticism towards these projects but never
> have had time or interest to dive deeply into it.
> I am however very surprised there is little to be found around the web.
> Even in Wikipedia there isn't anything listed:
> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/The_Zeitgeist_Movement (see
> the talk page for some stuff)
> The only thing I could find is a good critique off the usage of conspiracy
> theories by zeitgeist.
> http://conspiracyscience.com/articles/zeitgeist/ &
> http://conspiracyscience.com/blog/category/zeitgeist/
> My main concerns are:
> * Claims of holding "the truth" and "the solution"
> * Usage of conspiracy theories & heavy usage of propagandist style/
> techniques
> * Technical approach to solving problems
> * Relying on a statist approach, Top-down structured
> * Against free speech; Not thinking for yourself.
> * A militant like movement where members become warriors/ evangelists.
> I was wondering if anyone has any good resources that can be used and I
> would like to see also where this approach differs from a p2p approach, and
> what it shares.
> I remember some discussions on the e-mail list but nothing really coherent.
> Thanks.
> Robin.
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