[p2p-research] criticizing zeitgeist movement and venus project

Robin robokow at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 17:26:32 CEST 2010

  Dear list-members,

 From time to time I still meet people who advocate the Zeitgeist 
movement and the Venus Project. I have criticism towards these projects 
but never have had time or interest to dive deeply into it.

I am however very surprised there is little to be found around the web. 
Even in Wikipedia there isn't anything listed:
(see the talk page for some stuff)

The only thing I could find is a good critique off the usage of 
conspiracy theories by zeitgeist.
http://conspiracyscience.com/articles/zeitgeist/ & 

My main concerns are:
* Claims of holding "the truth" and "the solution"
* Usage of conspiracy theories & heavy usage of propagandist style/ 
* Technical approach to solving problems
* Relying on a statist approach, Top-down structured
* Against free speech; Not thinking for yourself.
* A militant like movement where members become warriors/ evangelists.

I was wondering if anyone has any good resources that can be used and I 
would like to see also where this approach differs from a p2p approach, 
and what it shares.

I remember some discussions on the e-mail list but nothing really coherent.



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