[p2p-research] What is the Origin of our Money Supply?

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 19:11:06 CEST 2010

Ryan Lanham wrote:
> there are endless social contracts that are rented.
> Police.  Government.  Prostitutes.  They are everywhere.

I see.

I was thinking of "Social Contract" as the terms of an agreement.

Are you saying we rent the Laws drawn up by Governments and enforced by Police?

Are you saying we rent the unwritten rules of Prostitution?

It sounds like you are describing the Land, Capital and Labor required
to 'instantiate' the agreement.

The work needed to Enforce Policy (Police), Create Policy (Government)
and Avoid Policy (Prostitution) is done by human beings.

So what human beings are issuing currency, and how hard is that work?

Remember, issuance is not printing bills or minting coins - those are
done by the Mint.

You'll need a computer terminal and the ability to occasionally enter
very large numbers.

All Income Tax in the US is not enough to cover even just the
*Interest* on these loans.

Is there no chance this could be done a little more efficiently?

I would certainly be willing to hold down the '0' key for a Wage much
less than all the Income Taxes paid by all citizens of the US.

I don't understand the argument that Private Corporations will do a
better job than a Compromised Government when the Private Corporations
are the *source* of these compromises.

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