[p2p-research] Defining Altruism ? Normative vs Autonomous ? Liberal Vs Conservative ?

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 17:35:19 CEST 2010

interesting examples.

foundations may be helping a lot in the current paradigm, from a certain
point of view,
but what about the system that sustains such foundations ?
and what about the ( undemocratic ? ) political power it provides to such
foundations ?


I briefly wrote , some time ago, about foundations and power

<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hc_ecology/message/382>( first part -
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hc_ecology/message/381 )

>From my point of view, Foundations can have a lot of power, potentially
replacing the roles certain governments where taking , while, in some cases,
making it easier to evade taxes, or avoid take overs ( I remember reading
that there is a foundation in the Netherlands worth 35 billion euros, which
holds many of the shared of Ikea, as to avoid hostile take overs -
references below )

Nevertheless, it might be interesting to develop models to enable
foundations to donate into networked economies that promote different forms
of property.

It may also be worth to compare the damages of current economic models based
on artificial monetary scarcity, and a need for a creation of new markets
based on new forms of property / monetization ,

and the outcome of the impact of access to monetized resources in an
artificially scarce monetary paradigm,
in relation to the redistributions of some of the profits of such paradigm.

Are such redistributions of profits covering what I personally see as
damages coming from externalizations of costs, and artificial scarcities ?

it somehow reminds me of the politics related to "aid" to developing
it also reminds me of the figures related to aid to developing countries,
compared to the amounts of money going back to the developed countries. but
thats another discussion...


example, through a reference related to the foundation owning ikea :
*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IKEA* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IKEA>
*" IKEA was founded in 1943 by 17-year-old** **Ingvar
* **in Sweden. Currently, the company is owned by a**
*-registered foundation that is believed to be controlled by the Kamprad
*"**In May 2006, the Magazine The Economist </wiki/The_Economist> estimated
that the foundation was worth US$36 **billion* </wiki/1000000000_(number)>*,
making it the world's wealthiest - more than the **Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation* </wiki/Bill_%26_Melinda_Gates_Foundation>*. In the same
article, The Economist alleged that INGKA uses the foundation structure for
corporate **tax-avoidance* </wiki/Tax-avoidance>* and **anti-takeover
protection scheme* </wiki/Takeover#Tactics_against_hostile_takeover>* for
IKEA.**[* <#cite_note-flatpack-0>*1*

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:

> How would people explain the altruism of a Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, etc.
>  Guilt?
> Bill Gates has done far more for humanity than everyone on this list
> combined.  Yet, I suspect many here would hold him in contempt.
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> hi, I think this important to put the altruism in context, no human person
>> can be purely altruist all the time, as such a person would not live very
>> long
>> but a concept of interdependency makes self-interest encompass the others:
>> see
>> http://p2pfoundation.net/Primary_vs_Secondary_Individual-Group_Mentality
>> A distinction made by Heb Shepard, summarized by Rosa Zubizarreta:
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