[p2p-research] Defining Altruism ? Normative vs Autonomous ? Liberal Vs Conservative ?

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 16:46:08 CEST 2010

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 1:59 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> interesting distinction of altruism below, as found by Dante,
> it sheds light on differences like the one between Ryan, who just today saw
> the culture of the poor as responsible for their plight, and my own response
> to that,

> see here, the source is below:
> Politically conservative individuals tend to attribute the causes for a
> victim's plight (e.g., poverty, homelessness) internally
> Less sympathy is generated for the victim and consequently less help is
> given
> Tendency to hold a belief in a just world (everyone gets what they deserve
> and deserves what they get)
> Politically liberal individuals are more likely to make external
> attributions (e.g., to society) for a victim's plight
> More sympathy is aroused and more helping occurs
> Less of a tendency toward just world thinking
> **

It is an interesting distinction.  I certainly don't hold the poor solely
responsible for their plight.  Neither do I accept that I am responsible for
anyone else outside my choosing.  Biology is the basis for both views.  The
one of the left seems relatively metaphysical.  Metaphysics I find is
generally employed to mitigate pain and fear.  That's quite rational.  I
used to like the word justice, but I fear it has been hijacked from those
who seek fairness to those who seek certain metaphysical ideals...in short,

Political views will always differ and must do so.

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