[p2p-research] Defining Altruism ? Normative vs Autonomous ? Liberal Vs Conservative ?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 08:59:45 CEST 2010

interesting distinction of altruism below, as found by Dante,

it sheds light on differences like the one between Ryan, who just today saw
the culture of the poor as responsible for their plight, and my own response
to that,

see here, the source is below:

Politically conservative individuals tend to attribute the causes for a
victim's plight (e.g., poverty, homelessness) internally
Less sympathy is generated for the victim and consequently less help is
Tendency to hold a belief in a just world (everyone gets what they deserve
and deserves what they get)
Politically liberal individuals are more likely to make external
attributions (e.g., to society) for a victim's plight
More sympathy is aroused and more helping occurs
Less of a tendency toward just world thinking


Tec defines two forms of altruism:
Normative altruism: Altruism that is supported and encouraged by cultural
Autonomous altruism: Individually-based altruism that is not supported, and
may even be discouraged, by cultural norms

Defining Altruism
Prosocial behavior: Any behavior that benefits others
Helping behavior: Behavior that benefits others that is performed with the
anticipation of some reward
Focus is on the self more than on the victim
Egoism is the dominant motive
Donating to a charity to get a tax break
Helping a friend so she will help you in return
Altruism: Selfless help that is performed without the anticipation of reward
Focus is on relieving the suffering of the victim and not consequences to
the self
Empathy is the dominant underlying motive
Anonymous donation to charity
Teacher in Littleton, CO Columbine shootings

Politically conservative individuals tend to attribute the causes for a
victim's plight (e.g., poverty, homelessness) internally
Less sympathy is generated for the victim and consequently less help is
Tendency to hold a belief in a just world (everyone gets what they deserve
and deserves what they get)
Politically liberal individuals are more likely to make external
attributions (e.g., to society) for a victim's plight
More sympathy is aroused and more helping occurs
Less of a tendency toward just world thinking

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:

> In relation to "Incentives", including in p2p relational dynamics,
> When doing some searches as to understand  differences of spectrum between
> "Autonomous Altruists" and "Collaborative Individualists" ,
> ( related links http://delicious.com/deliciousdante/principles , and a
> related group discussion : http://tiny.cc/28ti1<http://groups.google.com/group/econowmix/browse_thread/thread/4869fa005c611b16/70160b4dd49f128a?lnk=gst&q=autonomous#70160b4dd49f128a>
>  )
> I found out about this page :
> http://users.ipfw.edu/bordens/social/help.htm
> and wish to share some excerpts,
> related to defining altruism,
> but also to the influence on attributions from political views ( liberal or
> conservative )
> ---------
>    - Tec defines two forms of altruism:
>       - *Normative altruism*: Altruism that is supported and encouraged by
>       cultural norms
>       - *Autonomous altruism*: Individually-based altruism that is not
>       supported, and may even be discouraged, by cultural norms
>    - Defining Altruism
>       - *Prosocial behavior:* Any behavior that benefits others
>       - *Helping behavior:* Behavior that benefits others that is
>       performed with the anticipation of some reward
>          - Focus is on the self more than on the victim
>             - Egoism is the dominant motive
>             - Donating to a charity to get a tax break
>             - Helping a friend so she will help you in return
>          - *Altruism:* Selfless help that is performed without the
>       anticipation of reward
>          - Focus is on relieving the suffering of the victim and not
>          consequences to the self
>          - Empathy is the dominant underlying motive
>             - Anonymous donation to charity
>             - Teacher in Littleton, CO Columbine shootings
>    - Politically conservative individuals tend to attribute the causes for
>    a victim's plight (e.g., poverty, homelessness) internally
>       - Less sympathy is generated for the victim and consequently less
>       help is given
>       - Tendency to hold a belief in a just world (everyone gets what they
>       deserve and deserves what they get)
>    - Politically liberal individuals are more likely to make external
>    attributions (e.g., to society) for a victim's plight
>       - More sympathy is aroused and more helping occurs
>       - Less of a tendency toward just world thinking
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> note :
> I m interested in finding out the categories that best relate to this -
> potentially
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Relational<http://videos.p2pfoundation.net/Category:Relational>
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Participation<http://videos.p2pfoundation.net/Category:Participation>
> and other incentive related pages ?
> perhaps also http://p2pfoundation.net/Altruism<http://videos.p2pfoundation.net/Altruism>
>  ,
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Relational_Model_Typology_-_Fiske

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