[p2p-research] Let's Roll the Tanks against the Banks!

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 04:32:35 CEST 2010

Kevin Carson wrote:
> Patrick Anderson wrote:
>>  use military force against these foes.
> strengthening the government against the banks
> is a pretty risky strategy, because government
> by its nature is more easily captured and controlled
> by the few than by the many.

I argue this is a failure of the economic system played out through
the property system as a result of our misappropriation of profit
which, in future orgs, will belong to the Payer as his investment into
more Means of Production of which he is then co-owner.

>>  Let's Roll the Tanks against the Banks!
> leave the bankers' (and Fortune 500 CEOs')
> bleeding heads relatively undamaged

I'm saying 'Banks', not 'Bankers'.  The humans are mostly innocent
through ignorance.

But for any body attempting yet another assassination...

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