[p2p-research] Let's Roll the Tanks against the Banks!

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 04:10:46 CEST 2010

On 7/17/10, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com> wrote:
> Michel Bauwens wrote:
>  > you make it sound like it is an objective matter,
>  > that governments choose rationally,
>  > instead of a matter of social and political power,

>  Sounds like we need to get a president into office who is willing to
>  use military force against these foes.

I'm afraid that strengthening the government against the banks is a
pretty risky strategy, because government by its nature is more easily
captured and controlled by the few than by the many.  Whatever
"progressive" powers are granted government will succumb in the long
run to the Iron Law of Oligarchy.  What's most likely, and what we've
seen over and over during the past 150 years of government-corporate
collusion (including the "Progressive" Era and New Deal) is that
government measures are undertaken for the primary purpose of
stabilizing capitalism for the big boys, but sold to the public as
"progressive" by useful idiots like Upton Sinclair.

>  Let's Roll the Tanks against the Banks!

Now that's getting in the spirit of things.  But tanks are too messy.
I prefer methods that leave the bankers' (and Fortune 500 CEOs')
bleeding heads relatively undamaged so they'll look better on pikes
along Wall Street.

Kevin Carson
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
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