[p2p-research] newsweek on The Creativity Crisis

Michael Gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 08:44:23 CEST 2010

Hi Michel,
I haven't looked at the underlying studies here but the overall cause could
be a decline in funding for education which of course hits the poor -- those
without access to private schools or supplementary educational support the
hardest.  As the numbers of children living in poverty increase (as they
have fairly dramatically in the US under the current
neo-liberal/"capitalist" regime) and with a decline in birth rates among the
middle classes and up then this kind of decline (as with comparable declines
in Maths for example) is the "statistical" if inevitable result.
But as I said I haven't read the underling study and this isn't an area that
I have any deep knowledge in.

-----Original Message-----
From: p2presearch-bounces at listcultures.org
[mailto:p2presearch-bounces at listcultures.org] On Behalf Of Michel Bauwens
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 8:00 AM
To: p2p research network  
Subject: Re: [p2p-research] newsweek on The Creativity Crisis

Michael, and others, 
do you have any specific idea of why creativity started declining in the
90's, and not before?
seems to me that it is too late to blame TV for this, and to early to blame
the internet which only became in full usage in the late 90's
changes in the school system?
otherwise, of course, Ryan's comment that the death of creativity is "good
news for socialism", is baffling,
first, because as you correctly point out, it occurred in the era of
neoliberal dominance, so following the policy prescriptions of the free
market ideology, secondly, because historically, socialism has been about
extending creativity for all .. while I think Stalinist systems were
counter-creative because of their enforced collectivism under the umbrella
of a bureaucratic state, the historical record of social-democracy in
extending aphabetisation, schooling, and creative education for all, has no
parallel ... it stands as a major achievement of humanity ...
who could consider scandinavian states as non-creative? they have a very
strong record of technological innovation, and unlike Silicon Valley, they
do not achieve this by a brain drain from the rest of the world, but by
internal dynamics,

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 2:20 AM, Michael Gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com>

Your "capitalist" crew (Bush and co.) have been running the show for the
last ten years, what are you complaining about. You are getting what you are
(not) paying for... 


-----Original Message-----
From: p2presearch-bounces at listcultures.org
[mailto:p2presearch-bounces at listcultures.org] On Behalf Of Ryan Lanham
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 7:08 PM
To: p2p research network
Subject: Re: [p2p-research] newsweek on The Creativity Crisis

Couldn't agree more with the article...we've seen it too.  Good news for
socialism.  Not very good news for humanity. 


On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>



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