[p2p-research] Let's Roll the Tanks against the Banks!

j.martin.pedersen m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk
Sun Jul 18 16:33:24 CEST 2010

On 18/07/10 15:09, Michel Bauwens wrote:
> "we" do not have the firepower, "they" have it to use against you if need be
> .. so I must consider your rant a fantasy born ouf frustration <g>
> I personally opt for nonviolent political strategies,

What is violence? Violation? In order for "non"-violence to make sense,
do we need to understand violence, or does the term non-violence mean
something in and of itself? Is it a philosophy of a special kind?
Gandhi's tactics violated the well-being of Lancashire mill workers, for
instance, and do you not want to violate the current status of the
elite, by redistributing some of the wealth that they have amassed?

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