[p2p-research] Is peer production a real mode of production?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 18 15:54:24 CEST 2010

In the foundational essay on peer to peer, I call peer to peer a third mode
of production (as well as a third mode of property and governance).

The question is: is this correct?

A mode of production classically is viewed as a combination of forces of
production, how we extract value from nature (i.e. how exactly we produce
what we need to live by transforming nature into human-usable products), and
relations of production (how humans are organized in the sense of how is the
surplus labour produced and distributed).

How does ‘peer production’ stack up in this sense, especially in the context
that it is not a dominant mode, but rather a seed form within the dominant
capitalist mode?

So, in peer production, how is value extracted from nature? The answer must
be, it is not yet. At this stage, it is a process to create immaterial use
value, where there is a self-aggregation of individuals around the creation
of a common object or project. The result is the creation of a commons,
where everyone can use that use value directly, without passing through the
commodity stage. As I argued, following the Circulation of the Common thesis
of Nick Dyer-Whiteford, it requires open and free input, participatory
process, and commons oriented output.  But this is the pure form of
commons-oriented peer production as described by Yochai Benkler. Often, in
fact in most cases, because such peer production is not sustainable within
capitalist society (more precise, the projects are sustainable collectively,
but not for the individuals involved), the real process is a mixture of
voluntary labour, and paid labour. The minimum requirement however, is that
the result is still put in a usable commons, of knowledge, code, or design.
In practice, corporate forces gain substantial control over such commons and
their governance modalities.

Because we live in a capitalist society, where value is derived from the
commodity form (firms buying labour power and selling products at higher
value than the cost of that labour power, and its derivate financial forms
of surplus value extraction), when there is no commodity, there is no
‘realisation’ of that surplus value in monetary form.

So what we see happening is still that individuals are selling their labour
power, and get paid for it, while firms realize the monetization and profit.
In the other variant, what I call the sharing economy in contrasts with the
commons economy, people create, share and use “use value”, outside the
monetary nexus, but they do this on proprietary platforms, where there
aggregated attention is then sold as a commodity to the advertising

Another aspect is the following: peer producers often own or have access to
their own means of production, i.e. their brains, computers and access to
the means of communication, but, they cannot realize the monetary surplus
value without selling their labour to the market, especially and precisely
because the end result itself, the common code, is no longer a commodity.

So we have a paradox that we have a new modality of creating value, that
clearly sustains the workings of the present system of capital, that
substantially departs from classic forms,  yet at the same time cannot
realize any independent value for its own self-reproduction outside that

However, this is not new. Within feudalism, there where capitalist
modalities, but they were still subsumed to the dominant mode of surplus
value extraction under feudality, and similarly, there were colony (early
serfs), but it was similarly subsumed under the ‘ancient mode of

In a stimulating book that I’m reading, “Pre-capitalist modes of
production”, the authors, Barry Hindess and Paul Q. Hirst, insist that
capitalism is not an evolutionary continuation of the capital seed forms
within feudalism, and that the feudal mode of production is not an
evolutionary continuation of its seed forms within the Roman Empire.

The reason they give is that the state form, the Roman Empire and the feudal
states, protected the old dominant form of value extraction, and the new
modes of production could only become realized and dominant after the
breakup of that old-state form.

What would be required to make peer production evolve from its present seed
form, to a full and dominant mode of production?

The key condition is that it must be connected to a modality of material
production that ensures the physical reproduction of the peer producers, but
without destroying the commons and voluntary aggregation that is at the
basis of it. Therefore, any modality of revenue sharing, whereby
participants would be rewarded by a part of the market value, is not a
solution. Indeed, in this scenario, say paying people for Facebook
production, while it would create an income, this would be based on the
creation of commodities, and therefore, it would no longer be peer
production. Benefits-sharing on the other hand, whereby the entrepreneurs
who benefit from the commons send a part of the money back to the collective
to sustain the infrastructure of cooperation, does protect and insure of the
viability of the commons, but does not insure the sustainability and
physical reproduction of the individual participants. Having corporations
pay for the labour, while recognizing the commons-based licenses, does
create an income, does create and sustain a commons, but keeps labour power
as a commodity. The latter is pretty much today’s reality in open source
software, and may be the reality tomorrow of open hardware.

One of the possible answers comes from Dmytri Kleiner and is Venture
Communism, which I guess I could call a secessionist approach. It may also
be related to the emerging solidarity economy. What is the scenario here? As
I understand it, a community of commoners,  band its productive forces
together, but shares its immaterial production only with other commoners,
not with for-profit companies, who would have to pay for access to the
commons. Its physical value is exchanged in a non-capitalist market (because
outside of capital accumulation by for profit companies), preferentially to
other common enterprises. Though the property format may vary, it is my
understanding that solidarity economics is a substantially similar approach,
though it mostly uses classic cooperatives. In both cases, the attempt is
made at creating a counter-economy. Our mutualist friend Kevin Carson, sees
I think a similar evolution towards small and localized free market players,
but who operate in a knowledge commons.  Here again, what Kevin has in mind,
is not a capital accumulation, but a market operating outside of the support
of a ‘distorting’ state, which directs accumulation towards monopolistic
players. The benefit of these approaches is that none of them is passive,
and needs not wait for a phase transition to occur first. They all operate
within present reality and seek to strengthen alternative modalities that
work in parallel with the dominant system, seeking maximum independence from
it. The weakness of these approaches is that at present, there is a lack of
evidence that this is working in any substantial way. There is I believe one
single venture communist company in existence; the solidarity economy as I
understand it, is stronger but still weak and probably functions mostly with
the capitalist market. The problem of cooperatives and solidarity economics
entities is the following I think: do you buy commodities from less
efficient alternative enterprises, when more competitive ones are available
from classic for-profits. If you choose the former, you are less
‘competitive’ towards consumers, if you choose the latter, you’re on a
slippery slope of total adaptation. What is imperative here though in my
mind, is to combine production for the market, with the use of commons of
knowledge, code and design, as a way to eventually outcooperate and
outcompete the pure closed-IP for-profit companies. The fact that Kleiner’s
option does in fact not create a full commons, but only a semi-closed one
for other VC coops, poses a problem  in this regard, since it also
undermines the commons logic. It would seem to me that open commons would
outcompete semi-closed commons of that nature. Of course, I’m open to
empirical refutation of this critique.

A second approach comes from the French-Italian school of cognitive
capitalism, expressed for examples in the basic income orientation of Andrea
Fumagalli. The idea here is to achieve a deep reform of the capitalist
state, whereby instead of individual appropriation of surplus value by
for-profit firms, a substantial part of surplus value is collectively
appropriated and distributed through the mechanism of the basic income. In
this scenario, basic living expenses would be covered, offering a
substantial improvement for individual sustainability, and allowing a more
sizeable portion of the population to periodically engage. Because this
demand is not anti-capitalist as such, but sees itself as a deep reform, it
would still operate within the dominant mode of production,  but would
nevertheless achieve a significant redistribution and be a substantial boost
to peer production. Obviously, this second approach is not incompatible with
the first set. However, it also raises a number of problems. Such as: 1)
would a basic income movement be able to convince the population; 2) how
strong would a social movement of that nature need to be to achieve its
aims, and if it did achieve this strength, why not push further?; 3) if the
basic income is low, does  it not serve to depress the wages, while if it is
high, is it affordable by the present economic and state forms? While basic
income has some traction, it is entirely relative, and it would, it seems to
me, need a deep crisis and massive mobilization, before it could be

A third approach is my own, which is born out of a certain recognition of
ignorance. In this approach, we do not know yet, how the phase transition
will be achieved, importantly because we are at a early seed form stage.
While it is not opposed to the first and second approach, it focuses on the
autonomy of the communities. It recognizes that at present, we live in a
capitalist society, that no sustainability is possible outside of its market
mechanisms, but that commons oriented production is a sufficient social
advance, that it needs to be protected and stimulated. It focuses on the
continued meshworking and strengthening of open infrastructures, on the
protection of the commons from the entrepreneurial coalitions which derive
market value from it. In sharing communities, it seeks to strengthen the
social strength of user communities against the predations of platform
owners. .It posits an ethical preference for those forms of physical
production, which are most compatible with it. In other words, commoners
would need to choose free software coops above for profit companies, fair
trade and social entrepreneurship above shareholder entities. Each commons
would seek to make itself as sustainable as possible, first collectively,
then for an increasing number of individuals, and seek policy initiatives in
that sense. It also supports the first and second approach as a general
direction of movement. It also builds as much as it can the new culture of
sharing and communing as an alternative, and promotes commons-oriented
institutions as policy solutions on every level.

This approach has its own problems. First of all, it is a slow approach. For
example, it is now clear that Europe and the U.S. workers face a full
onslaught of extreme neoliberalism, with a substantial loss of income
levels, welfare and social protections. This capitalist dislocation may be
temporary, a cleaning out of the accumulated problems of the previous
neoliberal cycle, or may reflect much deeper and ‘endgame’ problems. In any
case, while it may be temporarily successful in its attack on living
standards, it seems guaranteed to also create deep social instability.

In this context, what seems most important   is to create a connection
between the new commons culture, and the emerging social movements. Finally,
under conditions of such direct attacks by the financial predators and the
market state that is substantially under their control, the issue of state
power is again on the agenda.  If that power cannot be broken yet, it opens
the way for mobilizations that could achieve substantial reforms, as it did
at the end of previous cycles.

So, what I’m advocating is a fusion of the constructive approach of building
open infrastructures and free culture, supporting alternative modalities of
physical production wherever possible (the first approach), while finding a
connection with progressive social movements around commons-oriented  policy
platforms, with the aim of achieving a substantial reorientation of the
state, or eventually, its replacement by a peer to peer state (a
transitional state form that would protect the new form of accumulation
around peer production).

In the last analysis, my conviction and approach is the following: at this
stage of history, what matters most is creating the culture and social
movement that can become the subject of the phase transition. This can only
be achieved by a dialogue and them combination of the classic social
movements, with the new culture and practice of communing.

  On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Hilary Wainwright <
wainwright.hilary at googlemail.com> wrote:

> I'd love a copy Michael/ Hazel (btw Hazel why not do an essay on the
> argument of the book for Red Pepper? It would great to have you writing for
> Red Pepper (and Michael again too)
> My address for the book is 2, The Wharf, Baldwin Terrace, London N1 7RU
> UK..
> thanks a lot.
> Best Hilary
>   On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>>   Dear friends,
>> Hazel Henderson, author of this still very current book about the global
>> commons, taxation and public goods, is giving away  some free copies,
>> please let her know if you're interested in receiving a copy,
>> Hazel, in cc are 3 different mailing lists for commons advocates,
>> michel
>>      Building A Win Win World ( Berrett-Koehler, 1996)  was all about
>>> defending the global commons and raising fees and taxes ( e.g. on financial
>>> transactions )  to fund global public goods.   It is now an e-book from
>>> Berrett-Koehler  and they have offered me  the original hardcover books at
>>> $1  each   !   If  you have some ideas about how I can donate  these books
>>>   to groups  working on the global commons , let me know.  Of course, I'd be
>>> happy to donate them to P2P.
>>>          Hazel
>>> *D.Sc.Hon., FRSA, author, futurist, president - Ethical Markets Media,
>>> LLC*
>>> *PO Box 5190**, St. Augustine, FL 32085**; Phone: 904/829-3140, Fax:
>>> 904/826-4194*
>>> *www.EthicalMarkets.com <http://www.ethicalmarkets.com/>**, **
>>> www.EthicalMarkets.tv <http://www.ethicalmarkets.tv/>**, **
>>> www.hazelhenderson.com**, www.calvert-henderson.com*
>>> Check TV listings for *Growing the Green Economy* on the Documentary
>>> Channel and our latest show *The Money Fix* on PBS affiliates.
>>>  ------------------------------
>>> *From:* FeedBlitz [mailto:feedblitz at mail.feedblitz.com]
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, June 20, 2010 8:27 AM
>>> *To:* hazel.henderson
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>>> Short video which features our friend Phoebe Moore:
>>> A video short of over 30 peoples views on what it means to be
>>> co-operative. Produced for Co-operatives Fortnight 2010 “There is an
>>> alternative <http://www.thereisanalternative.coop/>“.
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>>> *The Commons in a taxonomy of goods<http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/P2pFoundation/~3/oxxaUuHpgLQ/20>
>>> *
>>> Republished from January 2010, on the occasion of the launch of our new
>>> wiki section on Open and Free Business Models<http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Business_Models>
>>> :
>>> The Commons has the potential to replace the commodity as the determining
>>> form of re-/producing societal living conditions. Such a replacement can
>>> only occur, if communities constitute themselves for every aspect of life,
>>> in order to take „their“ commons back and to reintegrate them into a new
>>> need-focused logic of re-/production.
>>> Stefan Meretz has produced<http://www.keimform.de/2010/01/11/commons-in-a-taxonomy-of-goods/>,
>>> with his daughter, a very useful and clear taxonomy of common goods,
>>> according to five criteria. Pauline Schwarze and Franco Iacomella provided
>>> translation support, from the original German to English.
>>> [image: taxonomy-of-goods]
>>> *Stefan Meretz:*
>>> *“The word „common“ is the best starting point for the analysis. The
>>> common thing within a commons are the resources, which are used and cared
>>> for, are the goods resulting from joint activities, and are the social
>>> relationships emerging from acting together. These three aspects are so
>>> different for all commons, that no one could describe them in a reasonably
>>> complete manner.*
>>> *I decide to put the concept of „good“ into the center, while describing
>>> from the triple definition explained above: as a common good, as a resource
>>> and as a social form.*
>>> *In the adjoining illustration a good is designated by five dimensions.
>>> Beside the already mentioned dimensions resource and social form, there are
>>> constitution, usage and legal form. *
>>> *1. Constitution*
>>> *The constitution describes the type materiality of a good. We can found
>>> two types: material and non-material goods.*
>>> *Material goods** have a physical shape, they can be used up or crushed
>>> out. Purpose and physical constitution are linked with each other, material
>>> goods perform their purpose only by their physical constitution. If the
>>> physical constitution gets dismantled the purpose also gets lost.*
>>> *On the other hand non-material goods are completely decoupled from a
>>> specific physical shape. This contains services defined by a coincidence of
>>> production and consumption as well as preservable non-material goods. In
>>> fact, a service often leads to a material result (haircut, draft text etc.),
>>> but the service itself finishes by establishing the product, i.e. it has
>>> been consumed. Now the result is falling into a material good category.*
>>> *Preservable non-material goods need a physical carrier. Having
>>> non-digital („analog“) goods the bonding of the good to a specific material
>>> constitution of the carrier can yet be tight (e.g. the analog piece of music
>>> on the audiotape or disk record), while digital goods are largely
>>> independent from the carrier medium (e.g. the digital piece of music on an
>>> arbitrary digital medium).*
>>> *2. Usage*
>>> *The usage has got two sub-dimensions: excludability and rivalry. They
>>> grasp aspects of access and concurrent utilization.*
>>> *A good can only be used exclusively, if the access to the good is
>>> generally prevented and selectively allowed (e.g. if a „bagel“ is bought).
>>> It can be used inclusively, thus non-exclusively, if the access is possible
>>> for all people (e.g. Wikipedia). The usage of a good is rival or rivalrous,
>>> if using the good by one person restricts or prevents use options for other
>>> people (e.g. listening to music by earphones). A usage is non-rival, if this
>>> does not result in limitations for others (e.g. a physical formula).*
>>> *The usage scheme is used by classical economists as the authoritative
>>> charateristic for goods. But it is far too narrow-minded. It combines two
>>> aspects which in fact occur together with usage while the causes are
>>> completely different. The exclusion is a result of an explicit activity of
>>> excluding people, thus closely linked with the social form. On the other
>>> hand, the rivalry is closely linked with the constitution of the
>>> good—indeed, an apple can only be eaten once, for the next consumption a new
>>> apple is needed.*
>>> *3. Resources*
>>> *The production of goods requires resources. Though sometimes nothing is
>>> produced, already existing resources are used and maintained. In this case
>>> the resource itself is the good, which is considered to be preserved—for
>>> instance a lake. We can usually find some mixed case , because no produced
>>> good can go without the resource of knowledge which has been created and
>>> disposed by others. By resources, we generally understand non humans sources
>>> .*
>>> *In the illustration, natural and produced resources are distinguished.
>>> Natural resources are already existing and raw resources which, however, are
>>> seldom found in uninfluenced environments. Produced resources are material
>>> or non-material created preconditions for further use in the production of
>>> goods or resources in the broadest sense.*
>>> *4. Social form*
>>> *The social form describes the way of (re-)production and the relations
>>> that humans commit to each other when doing so. Three social forms of
>>> (re-)production have to be distinguished: commodity, subsistence, and
>>> commons.*
>>> *A good becomes a commodity, if it is produced in a general way for the
>>> exchange (selling) on markets. Exchanging has to occur because, in
>>> capitalism, production is a private activity and each producer produce
>>> separated from the others and all are ruled by competition and profit
>>> searching. The measure of exchange is the value, which is the average
>>> socially necessary abstract labor being required to produce the commodity in
>>> certain historical moment. The medium of exchange is money. The measure of
>>> usage is the use value being the „other side“ of the (exchange) value. Thus,
>>> a commodity is a social form, it is the indirect exchange-mediated way of
>>> how goods obtain general societal validity. Preconditions are scarcity and
>>> exclusion from the access of the commodity, because otherwise exchange will
>>> not happen.*
>>> *A good maintains the form of subsistence, if it is not produced in a
>>> general way for others, but only for personal use or benefit of personally
>>> known others (family, friends etc.). Here, exchange does not occur or only
>>> for exceptional cases, but the good is relayed, taken, and given—following
>>> any immediately agreed social rule. A transition form to commodity is
>>> barter, the direct non-money mediated exchange of goods.*
>>> *A good becomes a commons, if it is generally produced or maintained for
>>> others. The good is not exchanged and the usage is generally bound to fixed
>>> socially agreed rules. It is produced or maintained for general others
>>> insofar as it neither has be personal-determined others (like with
>>> subsistence) nor exclusively abstract others with no further relationship to
>>> them (like with commodity), but concrete communities agreeing on rules of
>>> usage and
>>> maintenance of the commons.*
>>> *5. Legal form*
>>> *The legal form shows the possible juridical codes which a good can be
>>> subjected to: private property, collective property, and free good. Legal
>>> arrangements are necessary under the conditions of societal mediation of
>>> partial interests, they form a regulating framework of social interaction.
>>> As soon as general interests are part of the way of (re-)production itself,
>>> legal forms can step back in favor of concrete socially agreed rules as it
>>> is the case within the commons.*
>>> *Private property** is a legal form, which defines the act of disposal
>>> of an owner over a thing with exclusive control over the property. The
>>> property abstracts from the constitution of the thing as well as from the
>>> concrete possession. Private property can be merchandise, can be sold or
>>> commercialized.*
>>> *Collective property** is collectively owned private property or private
>>> property for collective purposes. Among them, there are common property and
>>> public (state) property. All designations of private property are basically
>>> valid here. There are various forms of collective property, for instance
>>> stock corporation, house owner community, nationally-owned enterprise.*
>>> *Free goods** (also: Res nullius, Terra nullius or no man’s land) are
>>> legally or socially unregulated goods under free access. The often cited
>>> „Tragedy of Commons“ is a tragedy of no man’s land, which is overly used or
>>> destroyed due to missing rules of usage. Such no man’s lands do exist yet
>>> today, e.g. in high-sea or deep-sea.”*
>>> More commentary at the original article here<http://www.keimform.de/2010/01/11/commons-in-a-taxonomy-of-goods/>
>>> .
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>>>    - Ubon and the red shirts through the eyes of the Washington Post «
>>>    Life in rural Thailand<http://memock.wordpress.com/2010/06/18/ubon-and-the-red-shirts-through-the-eyes-of-the-washington-post/>
>>>    A few weeks ago when I was blogging regularly about the red shirt led
>>>    unrest here in Ubon I was contacted by a few journalists wanting more
>>>    information on the local situation and chasing photos. One of these was
>>>    Andrew Higgins who works for the Washington Post. After the unrest settled
>>>    down in bangkok he flew up for a few days to write an article from a local
>>>    perspective. A very nice man who spent a lot of time working on telling this
>>>    story. He has given me permission to reproduce it here and as always I value
>>>    your feedback.
>>>    - Puces savantes - Les blogs du Diplo<http://blog.mondediplo.net/-Puces-savantes->
>>>    L’article sur la biologie synthétique inaugurant notre blog « puces
>>>    savantes » s’est attiré les foudres du généticien Philippe Marlière. Pour ce
>>>    dernier, il est souhaitable que la biologie emprunte aujourd’hui le chemin «
>>>    démiurgique » de la construction de nouvelles formes de vie. Analyse de ce
>>>    discours prophétique, qui, disqualifiant d’un revers de main les opinions
>>>    critiques, entend suggérer aux décideurs politiques qu’il n’existe d’autre
>>>    choix que de soutenir cette recherche extrémiste.
>>>    - La boîte de Pandore de la biologie synthétique - Les blogs du Diplo<http://blog.mondediplo.net/2010-05-21-La-boite-de-Pandore-de-la-biologie-synthetique>
>>>    Avec ce texte, Hervé Le Crosnier inaugure le blog « Puces savantes »,
>>>    où seront mises en question les technologies qui semblent continuellement
>>>    s’imposer aux citoyens, sans que les rapports de forces qui les préparent et
>>>    les transformations qu’elles impliquent dans la société soient toujours
>>>    exposés ni débattus.
>>>    - [Vivagora] Prométhée, Pandore et Petri<http://www.vivagora.org/spip.php?article706>
>>>    Dans ce texte vif et acéré, Philippe Marlière, directeur d’Isthmus
>>>    (Genopole) envoie ici la réplique à l’article d’Hervé Le Crosnier, paru
>>>    vendredi 21 mai 2010. Avec ce grand écart, le débat sur la biologie
>>>    synthétique, ouvert par VivAgora par son cycle 2009 sur l’ingénierie du
>>>    vivant 2.0, gagne en intensité. Vos réactions sont les bienvenues
>>>    - OpenLX Linux Home Page <http://www.openlx.com/>
>>>    First Indian Enterprise Desktop Linux helps you end the slavery to
>>>    criminal-monopolies of the software world.
>>>    - Todo Libre y Abierto - MindMeister Mind Map<http://www.mindmeister.com/50286529>
>>>    Everything Open and Free mindmap now available in Spanish, access via
>>>    pw Medialab
>>>    - FLACSO Virtual: MoodleMoot 2010 con Michel Bauwens<http://virtual.flacso.org.ar/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=59576>
>>>    FLACSO Virtual organiza el 2º Congreso Internacional de Educación en
>>>    Línea y Cultura Libre: MoodleMoot 2010. El encuentro se realizará los días
>>>    18 y 19 de Noviembre en FLACSO Argentina y constará de cuatro conferencias
>>>    principales, talleres de configuración de Moodle 2.0 y paneles de casos
>>>    relacionados con los siguientes ejes temáticos:
>>>    - Documentation: 4º Inclusiva-net Meeting: P2P Networks and Processes
>>>    - Medialab-Prado Madrid<http://medialab-prado.es/article/documentacion_>
>>>    Publication of texts and videos of the lectures and keynotes
>>>    presented during the 4th Inclusiva-net Meeting: P2P Networks and Processes
>>>    (July 6 through 10, 2009)
>>>    - Interactivos?'10: Neighborhood Science · Workshop - Medialab-Prado
>>>    Madrid<http://medialab-prado.es/article/taller-seminario_interactivos10_ciencia_de_barrio>
>>>    Medialab-Prado holds the international workshop-seminar
>>>    Interactivos?'10: Neighborhood Science from June 7 through 23, 2010, where
>>>    ten selected projects will be collaboratively developed. These ten proposals
>>>    put into action collaboration and local urban knowledge networks using free
>>>    software and hardware technologies as well as “Do It Yourself” (DIY) and “Do
>>>    It With Others”(DIWO) methods.
>>>    - LABtoLAB Madrid: International Medialabs Meeting - Medialab-Prado
>>>    Madrid <http://medialab-prado.es/article/labtolab_madrid_>
>>>    Labtolab project was born as an iniciative by several cultural spaces
>>>    that had received a Grundtvig grant. It started in Budapest on December
>>>    2009, where representants by five institutions met: Kitchen (Budapest),
>>>    Constant (Bruselas), Crealab (Nantes), Area10 (Londres) and Medialab-Prado
>>>    (Madrid). For the next meeting in Madrid the network will be enlarged by
>>>    other european and latin american projects/spaces; this extension has had
>>>    the collaboration of AECID.
>>>    -
>>>    http://madhawablogs.blogspot.com/2010/06/top-50-free-open-source-content.html
>>>    - dailywireless.org » Free Open Source Manuals<http://www.dailywireless.org/2010/06/16/free-open-source-manuals/>
>>>    There are a lot of free, online books on open source topics
>>>    available, says OStatic. Sam Dean rounded up seven online books that
>>>    introduce essential concepts for getting started with Linux, Firefox,
>>>    Blender (3D graphics and animation), GIMP (graphics), OpenOffice and more.
>>>    - | || the Columbus Idea Foundry<http://www.columbusideafoundry.com/>
>>>    The Idea Foundry is Columbus’s own community workshop, DIY learning
>>>    center and creative space.
>>>    - Cloud (Distributed) Manufacturing<http://cloudmanufacturing.blogspot.com/>
>>>    makerbot maker blog
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>>> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
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>>> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>>> Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>> --
>> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
>> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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>> Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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>> -------
> --
> Hilary Wainwright
> Transational Institute. New Politics. www.tni.org
> Networked-Politics. www.networked-politics.info
> Red Pepper. www.redpepper.org.uk
> International Centre for Participation Studies, Bradford
> University.www.brad.ac.uk/acad/icps<http://university.www.brad.ac.uk/acad/icps>
> 07973 215351.
> skype hilarypepper

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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