[p2p-research] Who Issues the Money that National Governments then Borrow?

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sat Jul 17 18:50:20 CEST 2010

Ryan Lanham wrote:
> Simply borrow, and money is created.

Are saying Debt and Issuance are identical?

If that is true, then what is the meaning of counterfeit?

Why would a government care if I print more money if it is identical
to borrowing money from a bank?

And what is the interest a nation pays when it borrows as opposed to
paying nothing when it issues for itself?

> Basic income is fine.

Is a Basic Income the same as taking out a loan?

If so, then we have always had a Basic Income, right?

> Debt creates incentives that push people to perform.
> It is like a test in a school.
> Such incentives nearly always work well.

I see, so governments should never issue their own money because it
would lower their performance.

But what about those banks that *DO* issue the original money (M0) -
how are they expected to perform well?

In conclusion, the US $12 Trillion debt is a good thing, for without
it, the performance of that government would suffer.

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