[p2p-research] Who Issues the Money that National Governments then Borrow?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 17 07:05:49 CEST 2010


an important argument, made in the video link on oz you just send us:

- there is nothing wrong per se in creating money out of thin air, as long
as it is matched by productive activities,

there are 3 scenarios that I see, and 2 and 3 avoid some of the inequities
of 1:

- money conditions activity

- you create money for the activity (ellen woods, 'web of debt', points to
many successfull experiences)

- the activity creates the money (system in bali and other local currency

On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 1:13 AM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com>wrote:

> Anyone know any of the privileged few humans with authority to Issue
> Money out of thin air?
> This has got to be the best job on earth!
> Those issuers often buy bonds backed by "Federal Land" within each
> nation - so whenever a nation defaults on it's "National Debt", those
> issuers become the new property owners of that country!
> This is a much easier way to conquer than going to war.  Just trick
> the island next to you into NOT issuing their own money, then get them
> into debt by issuing money backed by nothing which you then borrow to
> them!  Genius!
> Note, this 'money' is not the physical coins or paper notes, but
> simply declarations of value = 'fiat' made by ... WHO?  *Who* is
> declaring this value, and *why*  do national governments borrowing it
> from these people instead of issuing it for the people that comprise
> that nation?
> There is never any reason for any government or group (at the State,
> County, City, even Community level) to be in debt, because they could
> always just issue Money for themselves, but the won't.  Weird.
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