[p2p-research] Bonds VS Bills for P2P Money

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sat Jul 17 00:06:57 CEST 2010

Thomas Edison wrote:
> If our Nation can issue a dollar bond,
> it can issue a dollar bill.

> The element that makes the bond good
> also makes the bill good.

> The difference between the bond and the bill
> lets money brokers [bankers] collect twice
> the amount of the bond plus interest.

> Whereas the bill [currency] pays nobody but those
> who contribute directly in some useful way.

> The People are the basis for government credit.
> Why then cannot the People have the benefit of their
> own credit by receiving non-interest bearing currency,
> instead of bankers receiving the People's credit
> in interest bearing bonds?

> It is absurd to say that our country can issue 30 million
> dollars in bonds and not 30 million dollars in currency!

> Both are promises to pay; but one promise fattens
> the usurers and the other helps the People!

Will P2P Money be borrowed from debtors or created by peers?

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