[p2p-research] Who Issues the Money that National Governments then Borrow?

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 22:50:10 CEST 2010

You are one of those privileged people.  All you need do is borrow some
money based on collateral or your capacity to repay (e.g. from income)...and
voila...you've created money!  It is exactly the way anyone else does
it...governments included.

Only commodities are valued based on rarity.  Money isn't a commodity.  It
is capital.  Actually it is a machine.  Making it produce things people want
and will pay for is a pure good.  Making bad machines isn't a good...but a

But if you are asking if anyone knows bankers or even central bankers...I
can answer yes to both.  It is, as I see it, a noble profession.  If Africa
had better bankers, they wouldn't be poor.  Show me how good a country's
bankers are...how community committed, how productive, how smart, and I show
you how well a country can do.  How else can places like the Cayman Islands,
Lichtenstein, Malta, London or Singapore be explained.

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com>wrote:

> Anyone know any of the privileged few humans with authority to Issue
> Money out of thin air?
> This has got to be the best job on earth!
> Those issuers often buy bonds backed by "Federal Land" within each
> nation - so whenever a nation defaults on it's "National Debt", those
> issuers become the new property owners of that country!
> This is a much easier way to conquer than going to war.  Just trick
> the island next to you into NOT issuing their own money, then get them
> into debt by issuing money backed by nothing which you then borrow to
> them!  Genius!
> Note, this 'money' is not the physical coins or paper notes, but
> simply declarations of value = 'fiat' made by ... WHO?  *Who* is
> declaring this value, and *why*  do national governments borrowing it
> from these people instead of issuing it for the people that comprise
> that nation?
> There is never any reason for any government or group (at the State,
> County, City, even Community level) to be in debt, because they could
> always just issue Money for themselves, but the won't.  Weird.
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Ryan Lanham
rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Facebook: Ryan_Lanham
P.O. Box 633
Grand Cayman, KY1-1303
Cayman Islands
(345) 916-1712
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