[p2p-research] Capitalism 2.0: Peer Production, Intellectual Property & Juridification Processes Online

magius gmagius at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 21:27:25 CEST 2010

2010/7/16 j.martin.pedersen <m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk>:

> Juridification: "...the replacing of politics with the formality of law
> and legal decisions..." - from:  "The Human Rights Act and
> Juridification: Saving Democracy" in POLITICS: 2010 VOL 30(2), 91–97 by
> Fergal Davis.

Imho juridification happens when social movements have no more force
to impose their agenda through conflict. Juridification is a
replacement for political action. Acted by activists through their
accademic and institutional roles. Normally it fails.


OT: It's not casual that lots of italians teach abroad. One year ago
Rekombinant mailing list, that was in Italy something similar to
Nettime and the unique online conversational space about netculture,
was closed by its founder, Franco Berardi Bifo.

Italy is a (beatiful) dead-walking-country.

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