[p2p-research] problems with the wiki

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 16:56:52 CEST 2010

Michel Bauwens wrote:
> It would really be a shame to waste time in edit wars ...

This scuffle is a microcosm of what every community must face.

We are learning about the difficulties of sharing and hopefully
discovering how to address them in a systematic manner.

Asking for a split over such a small issue is too common in current
psychology/sociology.  It keeps us divided when we do not face these
conflicts because we giveup on the notion of co-ownership and resort
to a single-owner dictatorship because it is just more simple.

Let's ride this through.

Let's work it out.

We must solve these problems of sharing or those seeking scarcity and
*do* share ownership (as in shares on the stock market) will win in
that they will finally destroy the Earth we all need as they seek to
keep price above cost...

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