[p2p-research] problems with the wiki

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 16:35:08 CEST 2010

On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Alex,
> I'm only defensive, because, instead of just listening to users and authors
> of the wiki, you want to impose your solutions, which may be appropriate for
> some users, not for others.

These are not dictatorial solutions.  I do listen.  I talked to the
guy who wrote the content in question that you copied. You are being
inflammatory in addition to being defensive.

> I have to be clear in defending the integrity of the content, because, from
> experience, you do not "hear" easily otherwise,

You are wrong.  I do hear.  You do not always listen or make clear
requests.  You have options.  I do not always do what people tell me.

> you do not have to ask permission, but you can't impose ...

I do not impose, but I do edit, just like you.

> I tried to edit the public property page, and could not, so I ask patrick to
> undo it, it's not complicated

Ask a question next time, maybe? instead of ... you know... freaking
out, maybe?  Please?

> same in the case of the transclusion, I don't want to use this transclusion
> in a particular category, you re-instate and want to impose it, and even
> announce a vision of the wiki  that I find horrifying ... a vision which you
> have never discussed with anybody.

I can edit the category like other users, yes.  I will probably do it
again, too.

> I didn't insult anybody, nor made any personal attacks, read again, but
> faced with defensiveness and a restriction of the freedom to edit, I had to
> push back,

Ah, but you could not judge that all by yourself, though, could you?
What do you consider hyperbole, anyways?  Or unchecked assumptions?

> I did not see any phrase in the previous correspondence where you offered to
> repair or make good, only defenses that your solution was the proper one,
> that I should follow it, and in case of problems, spent time with the manual

I did undo the edits in a way that reflected your wishes as to what
content appeared on the page and informed you by email.  Don't be a
pill and make me produce the thread.  Besides, you can see the fix in
the edits on the wiki.  Plus I wrote extensive documentation on how
the solution works and sent you 3 emails last week and this week
asking you to review the protocol.  Don't even try it...


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