[p2p-research] P2P Foundation page Category:Commons has been changed by Mbauwens

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 12:13:54 CEST 2010

Michel Bauwens wrote:
> you change the page, you change all the places
> where the template is listed, regardless of context,

I don't care what you decide, but you may want to
know this is considered a 'feature', not a 'bug'.

Most all programming languages use this approach
through techniques such as #include and/or macros
because it makes maintenance much easier - when a
typo is fixed, it is fixed in all places the text occurs.

The copy/paste approach is considered bad policy
because, to be thorough, every edit is incomplete until
you search the entire codebase to find all other places
that must be updated.

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