[p2p-research] Yes, It’s Getting Hotter. 2010 Is Warmest Year on Record

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 04:23:03 CEST 2010

  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: Yes, It’s Getting Hotter. 2010
Is Warmest Year on Record via the adventure life by steve casimiro on

Well, this will surprise no one except for Sen. James Inhofe, but
pretty much every thermometer worth checking shows climbing
temperatures, according to NOAA. June was the hottest ever,
year-to-date 2010 is the hottest ever, and the three months of
April-June were the hottest ever. June’s global average of land and sea
was almost 2°F above the 20th century average for the month.

Here’s the full report from Uncle Sam, though calling these results
“highlights” might be missing the point:

Global Temperature Highlights – June
The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for June
2010 was the warmest on record at 61.1°F (16.2°C), which is 1.22°F
(0.68°C) above the 20th century average of 59.9°F (15.5°C).

The global June land surface temperature was 1.93°F (1.07°C) above the
20th century average of 55.9 °F (13.3°C) — the warmest on record.

Warmer-than-average conditions dominated the globe, with the most
prominent warmth in Peru, the central and eastern contiguous U.S., and
eastern and western Asia. Cooler-than-average regions included
Scandinavia, southern China and the northwestern contiguous United

According to Beijing Climate Center, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and
Jilin had their warmest June since national records began in 1951.
Meanwhile, Guizhou experienced its coolest June on record.

According to Spain’s meteorological office, the nationwide average
temperature was 0.7°F (0.4°C) above normal, Spain’s coolest June since
The worldwide ocean surface temperature was 0.97°F (0.54°C) above the
20th century average of 61.5°F (16.4°C), which was the fourth warmest
June on record. The warmth was most pronounced in the Atlantic Ocean.

Sea surface temperature continued to decrease across the equatorial
Pacific Ocean during June 2010, consistent with the end of El Niño.
According to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, La Niña conditions are
likely to develop during the northern hemisphere summer 2010.

April – June 2010 and Year-to-Date
The combined global land and ocean surface temperature for April-June
2010 was 1.26°F (0.70°C) above the 20th century average—the warmest
April-June period on record.
For the year-to-date, the global combined land and ocean surface
temperature of 57.5°F (14.2°C) was the warmest January-June period.
This value is 1.22°F (0.68°C) above the 20th century average.

Polar Sea Ice and Precipitation Highlights
Arctic sea ice covered an average of 4.2 million square miles (10.9
million square kilometers) during June. This is 10.6 percent below the
1979-2000 average extent and the lowest June extent since records began
in 1979. This was also the 19th consecutive June with below-average
Arctic sea ice extent.

Antarctic sea ice extent in June was above average, 8.3 percent above
the 1979-2000 average—resulting in the largest June extent on record.

China had near-average precipitation. Regionally, Guizhou, Fujian and
Qinghai had above-average precipitation during June 2010, resulting in
the second wettest June since national records began in 1951—according
to Beijing Climate Center. Meanwhile, the province of Jiangsu had its
driest June on record, while Shanxi had its second driest on record.

According to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, the continent had its
fourth-driest June on record.

The first six months of 2010 were the driest since 1929 for the United
Kingdom, according to the UK Met Office. The average rainfall during
January-June 2010 was 14.3 inches (362.5 mm), just 3.4 inches (86.8 mm)
above January-June 1929. The January-June long-term average is 20.1
inches (511.7 mm).

Scientists, researchers and leaders in government and industry use
NOAA’s monthly reports to help track trends and other changes in the
world’s climate. This climate service has a wide range of practical
uses, from helping farmers know what and when to plant, to guiding
resource managers with critical decisions about water, energy and other
vital assets.

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