[p2p-research] Wikis and academic scholarship

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 22:32:05 CEST 2010

  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: Wikis and academic scholarship
via Tony Bates by Tony Bates on 7/14/10

Kolowich, S. (2010) Whither wikis? Inside Higher Education, July 14

This article takes a broad look at the use of wikis, particularly for
academic scholarship/research, compared with student applications, and
asks why greater use has not been made of wikis by faculty for this
purpose. One reason seems to be the relative anonymity of a wiki –
academics don’t get individually recognized for their contributions,
which says a lot about the rewards system and culture of universities.
However, there also seem to be more valid issues around ‘credibility’
and ‘authority’ of open wikis (such as Wikipedia).

Within the topic of e-learning, there are at least two wikis that I
think have been very successful, but both were developed by recognized
‘experts’, at least in their initial formation, although both are
openly published, i.e. anyone can read, but only ‘experts’ contribute.

The first is the Re.Vica wiki on virtual campuses. This has developed
an extensive wiki on virtual campuses around the world, and provides an
excellent reference source on what is happening in different countries.
The other is the Penn State Online Learning Global Snapshot, where
several teams of people, both from within Penn State’s World Campus
team, and other interested parties, built a picture of online learning
in each of six continents (North and South America have different
teams). The Online Learning Global Snapshot was slightly more open to
contributors, as those from outside Penn State who were interested were
encouraged to contribute, without any overt selection process (as far
as I know). I have found both these projects extremely valuable in
getting up to the minute overviews of what’s happening in different
countries regarding e-learning.

In summary, in terms of getting rapid updating and knowledge of
developments in a particular academic field, wikis are probably the
least well exploited yet most promising of all web 2.0 tools. There are
certainly ways in which issues of credibility and authority can be
addressed without losing the uniqueness of the format. I see wikis as a
half-way house between individual blogs and peer-reviewed academic
journals. Each has their value, but each also needs their own minimum
standards and practices to ensure quality and reliability.

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