[p2p-research] open hardware summit

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 04:35:29 CEST 2010


via - Bryan
1 512 203 0507


We’ve been planning/scheming (!) for so long now it is great to finally get
this post out the door.

This blog is the infoHQ for an open source
that we, Bug
Labs <http://www.buglabs.net/>, MakerFaire <http://makerfaire.com/> and
littleBits <http://www.littlebits.cc/> will be hosting in NYC on September
23 called the Open Hardware Summit. We are incredibly excited by the
opportunity to make it happen and look forward to telling you all about it.

When I was growing up, Popular Science <http://www.popsci.com/> was my
favorite magazine and Heathkits <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heathkit> were
my favorite toy. Building, modding, breaking, creating things in a haze of
solder smoke pretty much defines a good portion of my childhood. In fact,
I’m convinced that one of the reasons I got into college is I was able to
show off the polyphonic synthesizer I designed and built using scrap parts
from the Moog <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moog_synthesizer> factory down
the street. Hardware was fun.

Fast forward to 2010. Hardware is still fun. But it’s gotten much harder.
Just like it’s gotten more difficult to tinker with your car, it’s gotten
harder to tinker with the gadgets in your life. Steve and Steve built and
sold the first Apple
in a garage and helped start a revolution. Could the same thing
happen today? Possibly, but the environment has drastically changed – both
economically and technically.

But where is it carved in stone that we must resign ourselves to getting all
our electronics from 10-15 giant companies (much like we got our software 30
years ago!)? Nowhere. And like the the open source movement before it, the
open source hardware revolution will upend many long held beliefs about
hardware devices, how they are designed, built, manufactured and
distributed. And that, my friends, is what this conference is all about –
gathering in one place all the companies, organizations and individuals who
are playing a part in defining, leading and coordinating one of the most
important things going on in technology today.

I invite you to stay tuned to this blog for more information about this
exciting event. There will be many ways to get involved, participate and
help shape the proceedings and I encourage you to jump into the mix! Thanks
in advance for any insights, suggestions, critique, feedback etc you can
offer. As I said at the beginning, we’re very excited about the
possibilities! More soon…

-Peter Semmelhack <http://www.gadgetocracy.com/>, Founder and CEO of Bug

- Bryan
1 512 203 0507

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