[p2p-research] [Open Manufacturing] Re: Non-scarce energy production: I need your help

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 16:15:34 CEST 2010

I wrote a couple email back and forth with Marco.

It seems that there are several directions that might be taken, but
the preferable one is to secure some form of opportunity for royalties
for the inventor.

I have no idea of quantities or anything, but it seems to me this is
part of what is happening with Arduino through trademark licensing

This approach is compatible with the up and coming open hardware
licensing that posted to the list a few moments ago, linked here

I recommended, of course, that Marco chase down the track of
committing the patent to some form of open license so that production
and innovation could proceed unencumbered, and that the licensing and
trademarking be taken up within a new structure that continued to
provide services, sourcing, and whatever else might be needed to
implementors along with trademark services related to a colony of
goods and services for supporting deployments.  Again, this is similar
to Arduino, from what I can see.

Are there other ideas 'for success' that might help Marco engage P2P
and a commons-based approach in his work?


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> so magius,
> who is who:
> carolina is an IP lawyer from columbia, chris is from appropedia, the
> wikipedia of appropriate technology initiatives, july is from e5 and
> co-author of an important report on technology transfer mechanisms, vinay is
> from global swadeshi, david created a open patent commons for the world
> bank, smari is the afghan chickenwire meshwork person and now world famous
> with the icelandic immi initiative, sepp has been following energy projects
> ... the open knowledge foundation has many open data projects and works on a
> open hardware licence, chris cook has good ideas for collective financing
> methods
> I copy the open manufacturing list for possible further assistance,
> Michel
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 1:32 PM, magius <gmagius at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2010/7/14 Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>:
>> > Hi Marco,
>> >
>> > without being able to judge on the feasibility of your project (I'm
>> > rather
>> > sceptic of free energy projects and limit my faith to renewables, but I
>> > may
>> > have misunderstood the point about non-scarce energy supply),
>> The Kitegen project has nothing to do with "free energy" projects as
>> intended somewhere. Basicly the system works using kites to capture
>> high altitude winds' energy and transform it in electricity. It's a
>> project working on strong scientific assumptions developped in
>> collaboration with Politecnico di Torino, an high accademic italian
>> center and also funded by European Community (the vessels' branch). A
>> similar system abroad is funded by Google. It's a "real" non-scarce
>> energy supply, cause the high altitude winds could provide energy for
>> about 2,000 TeraWatt when actual need of all mankind is about 14
>> TeraWatt!
>> The Kitegen project could be one of many similar projects you'll find
>> worldwide. The strong diversity is their inventors approach. The
>> Kitegen is intended as a possibile tool to give universal distributed
>> access to electricity and, through it, to democracy. In that article
>> of  Kitegen english website is better explained the vision:
>> http://www.kitegen.com/en/
>> > and witout the technical skills to help you, I'm cc'ing a few people who
>> > I think are
>> > more familiar with patent commons ...
>> >
>> > Don't hesitate to write them separately with more details on your
>> > project,
>> > they may want to have a shot at giving you some suggestions ..
>> >
>> > You may also want to check out the Open Knowledge Foundation,
>> Thanks a lot for your help, Michael. I hope someone could be
>> interested in this project.
>> Marco Giustini
>> > Michel
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 12:18 AM, magius <gmagius at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> In Italy I'm involved as supporter in a project related to not-scarce
>> >> renewable energy production. This project is called (Kitegen
>> >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitegen). Actually we're trying with lots
>> >> of difficulties to start the first onsite Kitegen (Kitegen Stem) in
>> >> the northern Italy.
>> >>
>> >> But the reason why I'm writing here is not technical.
>> >>
>> >> The tecnology behind Kitegen is worldwide patented and he the
>> >> inventor, Mr. Ippolito, refused to sell patents to energy
>> >> multinationals, because he believes that Kitegen could be a tool to
>> >> produce not-scarce energy to free people.
>> >>
>> >> He's aware of attempts to extend the free-software paradigm in the
>> >> real world and he could be  interested to eventually give his patents
>> >> to a collective entity (i.e. a no-profit foundation), if it will work
>> >> to spread widely his technology, balancing profit with commons'
>> >> interest.
>> >>
>> >> We created in Italy a public company to support the project that
>> >> collected from people  1 million euro, but is not enough. We need
>> >> more.
>> >>
>> >> We wish to build something really new, a free (free as in free beer!)
>> >> enterprise, commons-based, working on crowdsourcing.
>> >>
>> >> Could you help us to implement a model like this?
>> >>
>> >> Marco "magius" Giustini
>> >>
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>> > --
>> > P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  -
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>> > Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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>> >
>> > Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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>> >
>> >
>> >
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> --
> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
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