[p2p-research] fair use economy

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 09:54:14 CEST 2010

hi daniel,

in our conversations in phuket, you said you were sceptical that open models
had any impact on the real economy yet,

here's the study I mentioned, and bear in mind this is only for open
content, and does not include open source software:


*"The Hill spotlights a study released by the Computer & Communications
Industry Association, which concludes that companies relying on fair use
generate **$4.7 trillion in revenue to the US economy every
*. The report claims that fair use — an exception to the copyright law that
allows limited use of copyrighted materials — is crucial to innovation. It
adds that employment in fair use industries grew from 16.9 million in 2002
to 17.5 million in 2007 and **one out of eight US workers is employed by a
company benefiting from protections provided by fair
* (PDF). Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) says the reasonable fair use of content
needs to be preserved; otherwise, content owners will control access to
movies, music, and art that will no longer be available for schools,
research, or web browsing. Lofgren tied the copyright issue with the
question of net neutrality. Without net neutrality 'content owners will
completely control and lock down content. We're going to be sorry characters
when we actually don't see fair use rights on the Web,' says Lofgren. 'If we
allow our freedom to be taken for commercial purposes, we will have some
explaining to do to our founding fathers and those who died for our

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