[p2p-research] update from platoniq group

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 09:03:05 CEST 2010

Busy summer again! Platoniq updates:

Goteo / CC Microcrédits, Blog and Rol at DINAMIK(TT)AK,
Interactivos?10:Neighbourhood science Report.


|| Goteo / Microcréditos CC ||

Over the past weeks we have been talking to some of our peers and
colleagues from Bilbao, Barcelona, Sevilla and Madrid regarding the
upcoming social microfinance network Goteo. We talked to Ricardo and
Txelu from AMASTÉ, Julen Iturbe (Consultoría Artesana), Arantxa and
Roberto from c2+i (Conexiones Improbables), Alberto Minguez y Juan
Garibi from the ethical bank Fiare, Citlab team, Joan Jimenez, Pedro
and Felipe from Zemos, Ignasi Labastida from Creative Commons España,
Javier de la Cueva from Derecho-internet.org, Marga from Dabne and the
team at Medialab Prado.

And in order to ensure that we do not lose our focus in all of this,
we decided to concentrate over the next months on the design of a
legal structure to clarify the rights and duties of both donors and
recipients in the microfunding process. Recipients will be able to
choose the type of end user license, as well as the return method to
the community, be it source code and documentation for software
projects, or educational packages for other kinds of knowledge
production projects. Creative Commons (CC) recently launched a call
for research projects, so we decided to apply for this part of Goteo
that we dubbed Microcréditos CC, in order to make Goteo compatible
with the various types of popular CC licenses.

Here is the link (English only) with all the info, still under
construction, feedback welcome:



|| Blog and Rol, a workshop to change the rules of the city connecting
citizen p2powers ||

We just came back from Vitoria in the basque country, where we had
intensive sessions at the Artium museum with a group of young people
as part of the summer creative camp DINAMIK(TT)AK. Trying to plan
street actions to challenge the role of the museum as an active agent
in the city. DINAMIK(TT)AK is a radical education initiative from
AMASTE. Together with Neokinok.tv we spent 3 days breaking the museum
walls and building off line social networks. Dont miss the final
action next Thursday 15th of July, live from Vitoria's streets.

See process and live streaming: http://www.dinamikttak.com/

Read the posts from the workshop participants reporting on the



|| Interactivos?'10: Projects Showcase ||

Medialab-Prado presents "Interactivos?'10: Neighborhood Science"
digital art exhibition, where the ten prototypes developed by nearly
70 artists, scientifics, teachers, designers and a variety of
professionals, students and fun of DIY and DIWO (Do It With Others)
will be on showcase.

Platoniq was among the tutors together with Douglas Repetto and the
team formed by Andrés Burbano, Alejandro Araque, Alejandro Duque and
Alejandro Tamayo.

This showcase aims to offer a new and experimental point of view about
what you can do with low cost tools applied ot the work with the local
environment, urban ecology, citizen collaboration networks, etc.

Visitors will be able to "listen" to satellites surrounding us (Birds
Within); research urban water analisys methods (Lilipod); easily
create solar powered electronic devices (Open Solar Circuits) and
participate in a discarded objects project (re:tag), among others.

More information:


Thank you!


http://www.youcoop.org / http://www.platoniq.net

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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