[p2p-research] Changes to P2P Foundation Wiki

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 06:51:17 CEST 2010


There've been some changes to the wiki recently.

To see a list of new extensions that have been added, you can visit:

Of note are 3 functions allowing us to build a more complex,
interdependent wiki.

First, we can now call category content on a page using
"CategoryTree."  This means that a list of pages can be displayed
within another wiki page.  Useful for pointing to a group of related

Second, we are using more "transclusion," which means to use a
delimited sub-section of one page inside another page.  If the source
page changes, so does the page that re-uses the sub-section.  This is
useful for something like the definition of a concept, like "What is a
Peer?"  Then you could insert the definition from another page.  This
is powered by the Labeled Section Transclusion extension
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Labeled_Section_Transclusion .
 This helps to keep page sizes down, and can encourage us to create
more definition pages that can be integrated into other documents.
http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Currency_Systems uses something like

Third, it is now possible for a user to autonomously create a login
for the wiki.  We have a number of new extensions in play to protect
us from SPAM, so we're going to give this another try.  So far, so

In related new,  we now have a mobile 'skin.'  This makes reading the
wiki on your mobile device a bit easier.  James Burke did some custom
work to make this contributed skin work a bit better for us.  If you
have a mobile device you should see the new interface automatically.
If you don't have a mobile device, but still wan't to check it out,
you can preview this and a couple other new skins from your
preferences/skins panel within your account.

If you have any questions, or would like help with any of the
functionality, please feel free to contact me.


Alex Rollin

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