[p2p-research] What comes next?

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 18:42:55 CEST 2010

Daniel Araya wrote:

> 1. I believe free market capitalism has largely proved the happiest time for
> humans by far.

Would you say Capitalism is perfect?

If not, what would you say is wrong with it, and how are those
problems held in place?

> 2. I believe in governments regulating markets.

This proves the system is unable to achieve it's own goals.

It's like a strange kernel [of a computer Operating System] that
cannot schedule and allocate resources without being watched and
adjusted by a group of 'representative' processes.

This is a very dangerous approach because of how our mistreatment of
Profit concentrates wealth (and therefore resources) into the hands of
a few otherwise 'normal' processes and how that wealth is then used to
further influence the kernel by hiring lobbyists to influence the
'representative' processes and even writing legislation (kernel-level
code) that permanently changes the system in their favor.

> 5. Technology has made labour and learning problematic.

By 'problematic' do you mean 'easier'?

> 6. Because of 5, the credit/debt economy of the world is now broken.

Would you say humans cannot be happy unless they are in debt?

Patrick Anderson
Social Sufficiency Coalition

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