[p2p-research] What comes next?

j.martin.pedersen m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk
Mon Jul 12 17:49:19 CEST 2010

On 12/07/10 16:24, Daniel Araya wrote:
> 1. I believe free market capitalism has largely proved the happiest time for humans by far.

Yeah, fuck the 16 million Africans that laid the foundation for it. They
don't count. Fuck the commoners, whose livelihoods were destroyed.
Nevermind them. Fuck the forests that were and still are cut down. Fuck
the 90% of the Americas' population. Fuck the indigenous still suffering
today, such as the Hoarani of whom 10% remain since oil - that liquid
that fuel your illusions of happiness - was discovered in their
territory 30-35 years ago. And so on. This statement spells racism.

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