[p2p-research] communism is silly

j.martin.pedersen m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk
Mon Jul 12 13:14:32 CEST 2010

On 12/07/10 11:34, Daniel Araya wrote:
> I didn't realize 'communism' was about all that: Energy, the
> environment, economic freedom, innovation, the end of selfishness... 
> Wow. I had thought it was merely a translation of Rousseau's urbane
> notions of tribalism into the field of economics (combined with a
> generous "borrowing" off Hegel of course). But lo-- communism is many
> many things it turns out. More than simply a critique of capitalism, or
> the forced manufacture of equality, it appears to be the swiss army
> knife of economic revolution. 
> Tell me Michel, what technology, democratic practice, or medical
> innovation has a Marxist ever invented? Why in the history of
> experiments with communism was there no democratic communist state? 
> Call P2P commonism if you like but the continued harping on a dead
> eurocentric philosopher who couldn't even feed his family is
> ridiculous. Collectivism is your hope not mine, so I'd prefer not to
> soil the promise of networked production with the adolescent silliness
> of class war and a "proletarian revolution". 

Are you talking about communism, marxism or marx? Or the social
movements that for almost a millennia - beginning with the Magna Carta -
have organised and demanded certain rights and freedoms (without which
you, unless you are an aristocrat, of course, would have no access to
this forum)? Or contemporary commonism movements? Or are you just
throwing out an idiosyncratic straw man, as seems so popular around here?

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