[p2p-research] update

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 08:37:07 CEST 2010

and do you have links to these writings you mention?

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Johan Söderberg
<johan.soderberg at sts.gu.se>wrote:

> Hi there,
> > what have you been doing/thinking/writing in the last 18 months ...?
> Well, quite a bit, at least as long as I dont compare myself with you...
> Since febuary, I am back in Sweden from a six months stay in your country of
> origin (in Namur, to be precise) and I have left a defunct relation behind
> me there, which has set my time free for work, work, work :-)
> First and foremost, I am currently writing on my PhD thesis, which needs to
> be handed in at the begining of the next year. It will consist of four
> articles out of which three are already finished. I just had one article
> ("Misuser inventions and the invention of the misuser -- hackers, crackers,
> filesharers) published in Science as Culture. Two more articles based on
> my case study of the Ronja project in the Czech republic are accepted for
> publication in Social Epistemology and Science, Technology and Human
> Values and will be in print later this year (the first one defends
> critical theory against constructivists STS theory, the second one attacks
> Innovation Studies à la von Hippel). The forth article is more or less
> written and ready to be submitted. The text looks at how hackers make use of
> the technological determinist assumtptions in the information society myth
> in order to present their politics as apolitical, mere technical
> problem-solving. I point out the historical connection from information
> society myth to Engel's version of historical materialism and thus I argue
> the continuity from the technological determinsim of "vulgar Raymondism"
> etc. to the early worker's movement and its faith in the telos of history.
> It all ends in an argument that a belief in determinism does not foreclose
> collective action.
> On the side, I have one article in the pipeline for a special number of
> Ephemera which seek to crossbreed construrctivist theory and
> autonomist/open Marxism. Last year I had one contribution published in the
> FSCon book Free Beer which you might already have seen,
> http://freebeer.fscons.org/  It continues the ambition of tracing
> historical links between hackers and the workers movement which I and George
> begun with our contribution to Capital & Class. And I have contributed to a
> Swedish anthology on the situation after the pirate bay.
> As for the future, I am currently travelling around to interview the core
> group behind the Rep-rap project (I have met about 10 of them by now), for a
> future piece which I have not yet decided. And I am sniffing at the
> possibility of getting people together for an EU application for money to
> study the movement around Hacklabs and its roots in the squatting movment in
> Europe, but that is still in a very scetchy phase. Finally, I will come to
> the Linköping conference Paying Attention, so we will have a chance to meet
> then and we can update each other. I dont know what your plans are,
> Linköping is quite far from Göteborg, but if you are coming to Sweden
> through the west coast (as opposed Stockholm/Arlanda), you would be a most
> honorable guest.
> En mon temp libre, j'essaye d'apprendre francais.
> cheers
> Johan
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