[p2p-research] Part 2. How Often Have Sovereign Countries Defaulted in the Past?

magius gmagius at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 07:50:02 CEST 2010

2010/7/11 Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>:

> Value is, in large part, tied to use.  Money works extremely well for
> use-based systems.  Volume = revenue.  Currency doesn't have to work he same
> way, but if it doesn't, it needs to make sense to be adopted.  I find the
> open source free system called R profoundly powerful and wonderful.  I would
> like to reward those who share it.  Short of giving them money, I know of no
> obvious way to bank something for them that they'd want.  Giving them money
> seems to subvert the whole idea of free...but I am willing to do it.

Imho we do not need one currency, but different currencies for
different human relationships (exchange is only one!). Have you ever
read Karl Polanyi? My spoken english is not good, so it's better you
read directly an excerpt of his work ;-)


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