[p2p-research] Part 2. How Often Have Sovereign Countries Defaulted in the Past?

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 22:42:46 CEST 2010

Ryan Lanham wrote:
> There are certainly a lot of countries
> that wish they hadn't borrowed so much.

But why would a nation borrow at all when they have the right and even
responsibility to issue that money for themselves thereby avoiding
debt altogether?

It's difficult to slow down enough to reconsider the current
direction, but please try to think this through.

Most citizens assume their nation is issuing the currency they use
because it is beyond comprehension to think we would borrow it from
someone offshore.

It is an act of *treason* to borrow from foreign nationals when we
could otherwise issue these notes FOR FREE.

> Rent is a good deal if you use the capital wisely.

Are you saying it would have a negative impact on a nation for them to
avoid debt?

What are we so scared of that we will not take that
responsibility upon ourselves at the federal level?

The US National Debt would be exactly $0 if we would only choose to
issue our own currency.

So answer the question please:  why do most nations suicidally choose
to needlessly accumulate massive debt when they could alternatively
simply issue their *own* currency?

Thanks for your consideration.

Patrick Anderson
Social Sufficiency Coalition

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