[p2p-research] DEBT IS THE constructed PROBLEM AND DEFLATION IS THE reactionary SOLUTION

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 21:17:34 CEST 2010

Can anyone in the universe tell me *why* a nation would choose to go
into massive debt to foreign powers when we (as much as any national
is "the we") could far more easily take the responsibility of issuance
upon ourselves?

If 12 of us were abandoned on a deserted island, would would it be
better for us to issue some sort of currency so we could trade skills,
or would it be better to rent that money from someone on another

If peers are going to use alternate currencies, should they issue it
for themselves, or should the RENT it from someone else?

If We, the Peers choose to RENT our money from someone else, then
*who* are those other issuers, and how did they become so superior to
us that they have the right to invent money out of thin air and then
demand payment for the use of it?

By what authority do international bankers issue currency used by most
every nation on earth?

I live in the USA.  We have a massive National Debt *ONLY* because we
have been taken over by foreign powers and so will not issue our own

What good does that do?

Those who *do* issue the currency are using those fiat notes to buy
bonds backed largely by federal lands and other national treasures.

When we finally default on those massive loans, we will have lost
title to our country to clever thieves that have never done anything
of value except to trick us out of our sovereignty.


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