[p2p-research] The link between poverty, (de)centralisation and (non)connectivity

j.martin.pedersen m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk
Sat Jul 10 11:06:45 CEST 2010

On 10/07/10 00:35, Ryan wrote:
>  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: The link between poverty,
> (de)centralisation and (non)connectivity via P2P Foundation by Michel
> Bauwens on 7/8/10
> A talk by Iqbal Quadir , “Technology Empowers the Poorest”, summarized
> by Kevin Kelly:
> “In Quadir’s view, it’s not that centralization per se creates poverty.
> Poverty is the natural beginning state of all societies, east or west.

And the moon is made of green cheese..

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