[p2p-research] ASCAP Declares War on Free Culture

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 20:58:33 CEST 2010

On 7/6/10, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> when the enemy is taking you seriously, you know you're doing something
> right ...
> thanks for the update!!
> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Lazaro Vigoa <q93149 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello P2P!
> >
> > The free culture movement is abuzz today over news that ASCAP has
> requested their members to fight organizations like Creative Commons, Public
> Knowledge
> >

This is excellent news.  As it is, the way the press reports on such
issues, there's no indication of a "fight" of any sort.  The
mainstream press simply reports the position of groups like the MPAA
and RIAA, along with some quip from Joe Biden, and gives the
impression that there's no debate -- the "other side" is just a bunch
of freeloading pimply-faced teenagers who don't even have a coherent
position other than wanting to get free stuff.

If they want to publicize this as a fight, it will mean the press will
have to report for the first time that there *is* a fight, with some
idea of what it's about.  Even reporting that there *are* such
organizations as EFF that have a coherent position of some kind
challenging the maximalist copyright position will result in a glitch
in the Matrix for many people.

Just goes to show, once again, that the Copyright Nazis' stormtroopers
are stoopid.

This ought to work out for them, on the PR front, about as well as
suing thousands of teenagers for copyright infringement.

Kevin Carson
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
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