[p2p-research] Build Ripple

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 23:11:32 CEST 2010

I think Ripple for P2P currency is a great bet.  People are jumping
back in, attempting to add usability improvements and more.  Send them
a couple bucks if you think it's a good thing.

From: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/profiles/blogs/new-donation-pool-to-raise

New donation pool to raise funds for Ripple development

A new donation pool has been created to raise funds for development of
the Ripple project, with an initial contribution of $500.00. The final
amount will be donated to the Ripple project to support the
development of a standalone Ripple server to provide open
decentralized payment through the Ripplepay site as well as other
services using Ripple. All content created will be released under an
open license.

Ripple is an open payement system that allows users to make agreements
between each other freely, and to use those agreements as a fully
functional currency in the wider community. This distributed financing
model allows users to get better rates, while dealing with known and
friendly sources. At the same time, it easily integrates with existing
financial systems, allowing for the use of multiple currencies and the
involvement of both new and traditional monetary actors.

The goal of the donation pool is to kickstart development on a project
that has recently been dormant. After an initial surge of activity,
the project remained quiet for some time as participants searched for
ways to get more people actively using their system. The system itself
currently works, although it does not yet offer all the functionality
envisioned by the project’s volunteers. Interest in the project has
recently renewed, and with it comes a renewed desire to see the
project grow in ways that will allow the general public to make
considerable use of Ripple as an open payment network.

Developing the standalone Ripple server will result in improvements to
the software design and code, and the new architecture forms the basis
for a number of new features, including integration with various
popular services. Ryan Fugger of the Ripple project describes it as
"an open-source Ripple server that would be an automated clearing
house for alternative (including personal) currencies." The new work
would also incorporate the work of OpenTransact, another project which
provides an open specification for financial transactions.

Raising funds to develop Ripple is very important at this point to
enable safe and easy transactions. As confidence falls in traditional
forms of currency, more people will need an improved payment system
that is open and user-oriented, decentralized, and secure and usable.
Only by building the tools now can we adequately prepare this type of
system, and Ripple promises to offer this full functionality if the
resources exist to support it. Ripple can do for money what open
source software has already done for other areas like operating
systems and network servers.

View the donation pool now, and pledge any contribution, here:


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