[p2p-research] defining a (programming) language/annotation system ?

Alex Rollin alex.rollin at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 15:23:02 CEST 2010

The P2P Foundation wiki has a lot of examples of different
applications of P2P "out there in the world."  In an effort to support
the development of more wide spread clarity in what a 'p2p
alternative' is there's a couple of new categories on the wiki that
are for pages that are important to 'p2p theory' and are also
regularly used in describing p2p alternatives.

The lowest level of this new set of categories are simple concepts
like 'competition.'  This is a new approach, and the attempt is barely
started and far from complete.  The idea, though, is to look at
'competition' and round out how competition 'is' with regards to p2p,
and specifically p2p networks, a network of peers.

This has obvious relations to the idea of 'simple' cooperation between
peers in a network.  One of the key steps in implementing
collaboration protocols, whether it is file sharing, information about
resources within a network or between peers, or even opening up
resources to peers within a network, all of these need education.

Educating for the implementation of p2p protocols between peers and
networks is the goal of this new category system on the wiki.

I agree with Sam.  My say is that as soon as person can take the step
of being part of a protocol, and they see a benefit, that they will
continue to open to the possibility of joining more and more networks
with more and more protocol.  Getting folks support to the first step
is important!

An indirect benefit of putting together these 'low level p2p
components' is that we can build modular system by reusing the
components.  When we combine the modular systems we get a complex
operation that is a fully qualified P2P Network.

You can find the Top category of the new "P2P Collaboration Stack"
here: http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:P2P_Collaboration_Stack


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