[p2p-research] peering with nature / natural inclusionality

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 17:05:01 CEST 2010

don't hesitate to send further updates or even links to past stuff ...

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Alan Rayner (BU)
<a.d.m.rayner at bath.ac.uk>wrote:

>  Dear Michel,
> Thank you very much!
> It's good to re-connect with you!
> Warmest
> Alan
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> *To:* Peer-To-Peer Research List <p2presearch at listcultures.org>
> *Cc:* Alan Rayner <bssadmr at bath.ac.uk> ; John Heron<jnheron at bordernet.co.nz>;
> jferrer at ciis.edu
> *Sent:* Friday, July 02, 2010 3:41 PM
> *Subject:* Fwd: peering with nature / natural inclusionality
> Dear Alan,
> Thank you so much for reminding me of your important work on the philosophy
> of inclusionality.
> I have already forwarded your essay to a few people, but here is a message
> to the list, which doesn't accept attachments,
> I will also present your economic essay on our blog, based on this draft
> treatment here, see
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Attuning_to_Natural_Energy_Flows_vs._Abstract_Economic_Rationality
> the 2nd essay on learning will have to be treated another time, as I'm
> quite overwhelmed at present,
> thanks for this update on your p2p nature philosophy!
> Michel
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Alan Rayner (BU) <a.d.m.rayner at bath.ac.uk>
> Date: Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:59 PM
> Subject: Re: in-depth profile of p2p theory vs resilience approaches
> To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
>  Dear Michel,
> Thank you for this!
> On a quick scan, there seems to me to be some 'co-incidence' and
> complementarity with what I have written in the attached paper on natural
> and abstract currency, currently under review with 'Environmental
> Economics'.
> Also attached is a paper on 'Sustainability of the Fitting'. This can be
> found published at www.bestthinking.com. Do, please feel free to share it
> with your network.
> Incidentally, you may be interested to know that I had eventually to
> distinguish my understanding of 'Natural Inclusionality', from Ted Lumley's,
> because I was unable to accept Ted's insistence on erasing local
> form/influence/agency. I recall that was the difficulty you had also with
> Ted's version of 'inclusionality'. I do feel 'Natural Inclusionality' is
> closer to expressing the underlying philosophy of your peer-to-peer work.
> Warmest
> Alan
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> *To:* Alex Rollin <alex.rollin at gmail.com> ; Adam Arvidsson<adam.arvidsson at unimi.it>; Alessandro
> Caiani <alessandro.caiani at hotmail.it> ; Athina Karatzogianni<athina.k at gmail.com>;
> andrea.mendoza at polimi.it ; andrew paterson <agryfp at gmail.com> ; Alessandro
> Delfanti <delfanti at sissa.it> ; Andrea Fumagalli <afuma at eco.unipv.it> ; Arthit
> Suriyawongkul <arthit at gmail.com> ; Andy Robinson <ldxar1 at gmail.com> ; Alexander
> Grech <A.Grech at 2008.hull.ac.uk> ; Andreas Exner <andreas.exner at chello.at>
> *Cc:* abcouwer at uva.nl ; Abdul-Rahman Advany <abdulrahman at advany.com> ; Amit
> Basole <abasole at gmail.com> ; jose ramos <actionforesight at gmail.com> ; Actics
> Limited - Mikkel Holm Sørensen <mikkel at actics.com> ; Nicolai Peitersen,
> Actics <nicolai at actics.com> ; P.Hatzopoulos at lse.ac.uk ; Adisorn Na Ubon<naubon at gmail.com>; Adrian
> Chan <adrian at gravity7.com> ; Adrian Taylor <adrian.taylor at eusg.de> ; Diederik
> Aerts <diraerts at vub.ac.be> ; Miguel Afonso Caetano<miguel.a.caetano at gmail.com>; Allison
> Fine <afine at afine.us> ; Eric Hunting <afillyjonk at gmail.com> ; AGUITON
> Christophe RD-TECH-ISS <christophe.aguiton at orange-ftgroup.com> ; dr.
> Agatino Rizzo <agatino at utm.my> ; Gil Agnew <gil at newinnergy.com> ; Maya Van
> Leemput <agencefuture at skynet.be>
> *Sent:* Friday, July 02, 2010 9:23 AM
> *Subject:* Fwd: in-depth profile of p2p theory vs resilience approaches
> Dear friends,
> thanks for eventually reading or spreading the issue of this newsletter,
> which gives a nice overview of our work at the P2P Foundation, it's one of
> the best intro's I've seen so far, and quite accessible to the general
> reader,
> there is also some basic info here:
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Examination_of_Michel_Bauwens%27_P2P_Foundation
> it is otherwise 'embargoed' until August, the date of the official
> publication by Gordon Cook,
> Michel Bauwens
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:11 PM
> Subject: Fwd: in-depth profile of p2p theory vs resilience approaches
> To: tiziana <tterranova at unior.it>
> Cc: cosma at ruc.dk, Stefano Serafini <metafrasis at alice.it>, Andrea Glorioso
> <andrea at digitalpolicy.it>
> hi tiziana,
> thanks for spreading this around, as long as people know there's a
> publishing embargo until august,
> Michel
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Facebook <notification+pjiidwm at facebookmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:48 PM
> Subject: Tiziana Terranova commented on your link...
> To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> Tiziana Terranova commented on your link:
> "what's going on?"
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P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

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Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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