[p2p-research] Fwd: peering with nature / natural inclusionality

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 16:41:33 CEST 2010

Dear Alan,

Thank you so much for reminding me of your important work on the philosophy
of inclusionality.

I have already forwarded your essay to a few people, but here is a message
to the list, which doesn't accept attachments,

I will also present your economic essay on our blog, based on this draft
treatment here, see

the 2nd essay on learning will have to be treated another time, as I'm quite
overwhelmed at present,

thanks for this update on your p2p nature philosophy!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alan Rayner (BU) <a.d.m.rayner at bath.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: in-depth profile of p2p theory vs resilience approaches
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

 Dear Michel,

Thank you for this!

On a quick scan, there seems to me to be some 'co-incidence' and
complementarity with what I have written in the attached paper on natural
and abstract currency, currently under review with 'Environmental

Also attached is a paper on 'Sustainability of the Fitting'. This can be
found published at www.bestthinking.com. Do, please feel free to share it
with your network.

Incidentally, you may be interested to know that I had eventually to
distinguish my understanding of 'Natural Inclusionality', from Ted Lumley's,
because I was unable to accept Ted's insistence on erasing local
form/influence/agency. I recall that was the difficulty you had also with
Ted's version of 'inclusionality'. I do feel 'Natural Inclusionality' is
closer to expressing the underlying philosophy of your peer-to-peer work.



----- Original Message -----
*From:* Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
*To:* Alex Rollin <alex.rollin at gmail.com> ; Adam
Arvidsson<adam.arvidsson at unimi.it>; Alessandro
Caiani <alessandro.caiani at hotmail.it> ; Athina
Karatzogianni<athina.k at gmail.com>;
andrea.mendoza at polimi.it ; andrew paterson <agryfp at gmail.com> ; Alessandro
Delfanti <delfanti at sissa.it> ; Andrea Fumagalli <afuma at eco.unipv.it> ; Arthit
Suriyawongkul <arthit at gmail.com> ; Andy Robinson <ldxar1 at gmail.com> ; Alexander
Grech <A.Grech at 2008.hull.ac.uk> ; Andreas Exner <andreas.exner at chello.at>
*Cc:* abcouwer at uva.nl ; Abdul-Rahman Advany <abdulrahman at advany.com> ; Amit
Basole <abasole at gmail.com> ; jose ramos <actionforesight at gmail.com> ; Actics
Limited - Mikkel Holm Sørensen <mikkel at actics.com> ; Nicolai Peitersen,
Actics <nicolai at actics.com> ; P.Hatzopoulos at lse.ac.uk ; Adisorn Na
Ubon<naubon at gmail.com>; Adrian
Chan <adrian at gravity7.com> ; Adrian Taylor <adrian.taylor at eusg.de> ; Diederik
Aerts <diraerts at vub.ac.be> ; Miguel Afonso
Caetano<miguel.a.caetano at gmail.com>; Allison
Fine <afine at afine.us> ; Eric Hunting <afillyjonk at gmail.com> ; AGUITON
Christophe RD-TECH-ISS <christophe.aguiton at orange-ftgroup.com> ; dr. Agatino
Rizzo <agatino at utm.my> ; Gil Agnew <gil at newinnergy.com> ; Maya Van
Leemput<agencefuture at skynet.be>
*Sent:* Friday, July 02, 2010 9:23 AM
*Subject:* Fwd: in-depth profile of p2p theory vs resilience approaches

Dear friends,

thanks for eventually reading or spreading the issue of this newsletter,
which gives a nice overview of our work at the P2P Foundation, it's one of
the best intro's I've seen so far, and quite accessible to the general

there is also some basic info here:

it is otherwise 'embargoed' until August, the date of the official
publication by Gordon Cook,

Michel Bauwens

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 3:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: in-depth profile of p2p theory vs resilience approaches
To: tiziana <tterranova at unior.it>
Cc: cosma at ruc.dk, Stefano Serafini <metafrasis at alice.it>, Andrea Glorioso <
andrea at digitalpolicy.it>

hi tiziana,

thanks for spreading this around, as long as people know there's a
publishing embargo until august,


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Date: Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:48 PM
Subject: Tiziana Terranova commented on your link...
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

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