[p2p-research] Inaugural Open Infrastructures Conference

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 13:14:30 CET 2010

Hi Suresh and PHoebe,

Of course, I strongly support this proposal.

I think the first one was a success in networking, but perhaps weak in
direct deliverables, although of course we could argue that a lot of the
projects that got traction, got it from allowing people to meet.

My personal feeling is that the next conference should be even more oriented
towards bringing together actual practicioners, and perhaps have a more
thematic approach,

i.e. the next one could be again directed towards general collaborative
manufacturing platforms, but with people with actual projects, like Arduino,
Liquidware, OSE, etc ..

In subsequent years we could then specialize to subdomains such as personal
fabrication, open source cars, etc ...

So I agree with the sector focus, and in that case, we could have a 'funding
afternoon', specifically dedicated to funding for that sector,

another year, open funding infrastructures, with people like Marc Dangeard,
could be a focus.

My idea is that we should have a sweep of the different thematics and
sectors over a multiyear period. And as we expand and find more and better
funding, we can then imagine having more than one stream at the same time,


Topic: Inaugural Open Infrastructures Conference
Suresh Fernando <suresh at radical-inclusion.com> Jan 29 06:14PM -0800 ^

Hey Phoebe,

Sam, Michel and I have had some very preliminary discussion about having an
annual (or semi-annual) Open Infrastructure Event in conjunction with the
Open Infrastructures Report that has been discussed by us.

It would be cool to do something with you and your group again as we all had
a great time in November!

Doing something in conjunction with the Film Cooperative is certainly a
possibility that would add an interesting element to the mix.

Would you be able to provide free space at Salford and help with logistics
and coordination from that end?

If we are going to do this again, I think that the plan should also be to
take things up a level. Do a 2-day event that also has a virtual component.

I would like to see:

- Theme: something like: *'Developing Open Models for Positive Social
- Sector Focus: Open Manufacturing
- Models: Commons models, other innovations
- Technology Infrastructure: discussion of infrastructure that supports
open environments
- Funding and Capacity Building Strategies: we could use this as an
opportunity to invite some of the social venture funders to the party!

What do all of you think?


Suresh Fernando
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