[p2p-research] Inaugural Open Infrastructures Conference

Suresh Fernando suresh at radical-inclusion.com
Sat Jan 30 03:14:48 CET 2010

Hey Phoebe,

Sam, Michel and I have had some very preliminary discussion about having an
annual (or semi-annual) Open Infrastructure Event in conjunction with the
Open Infrastructures Report that has been discussed by us.

It would be cool to do something with you and your group again as we all had
a great time in November!

Doing something in conjunction with the Film Cooperative is certainly a
possibility that would add an interesting element to the mix.

Would you be able to provide free space at Salford and help with logistics
and coordination from that end?

If we are going to do this again, I think that the plan should also be to
take things up a level. Do a 2-day event that also has a virtual component.

I would like to see:

   - Theme: something like: *'Developing Open Models for Positive Social
   - Sector Focus: Open Manufacturing
   - Models: Commons models, other innovations
   - Technology Infrastructure: discussion of infrastructure that supports
   open environments
   - Funding and Capacity Building Strategies: we could use this as an
   opportunity to invite some of the social venture funders to the party!

What do all of you think?


On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:10 PM, Phoebe <pvm.doc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone, thanks for the kick up the ehem to get this emai out Suresh,
> I've been meaning to for a few days:
> Giles Simon (who works for Cooperatives UK and with Ed Mayo) and I make up
> a sort of steering group for the Manchester Film Cooperative with a group of
> 5 or 6 others, and I brought this up at our last organisation meeting.
> We are happy to do a screening on open source related stuff, during
> Cooperatives fortnightly. Thus bringing the open source and cooperatives
> movements into one room, which is the King's Arms in Salford, a great little
> venue five minutes from Manchester city centre.
>  In fact the theme for the next season which will have been launched by
> then, is Movement so fits right in I'd say... Our theme right now is Work
> and we're showing LVTrier's The Boss of It All next month (Paul A Taylor
> will be our speaker for this film, he and I have written a paper looking at
> open source and work), just showed Roger and Me last week.
> Anyway I've run this past Josef but not in any great detail so let's
> talk...
> The film cooperative is also interested in Vicky's project this summer, we
> are talking about showing a film on the side of a bus, but we need to speak
> to the ArcSpace lot about that,
> Phoebe
> On 29 January 2010 05:24, Suresh Fernando <suresh at radical-inclusion.com>wrote:
>> Josef - any news on this? Due to the work OpenKollab is doing in the Open
>> Manufacturing arena this is something we'd like to see move forward.
>> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Josef Davies-Coates <
>> josef at uniteddiversity.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm thinking of co-ordinating the production of 3 events during
>>> Cooperative Fortnight June 19th - July 3rd 2010 about the potential of
>>> uniting the Open Source and Co-op movements.
>>> The rough idea for the 3 events is:
>>> 1) presenting the amazing achievements of open source software/
>>> hardware to people in the co-op movement
>>> 2) presenting the amazing achievemenets of the co-op movement to
>>> people in the open source world
>>> 3) a big open space event that bring everyone together to try and
>>> answer a question like "how can the open source and co-operative
>>> movements help each other to thrive (in the face of climate, energy
>>> and economic uncertainty)?"
>>> The events would (most likely) take place in Manchester and London.
>>> Who would like to get involved/ present/ fund/ help make it happen?
>>> A bit of background...
>>> Ed Mayo, who headed up the new economics foundation (nef) when I
>>> worked there for a while has recently taken on a job heading up
>>> Co-opsUK.
>>> In his first speech
>>> http://www.cooperatives-uk.coop/live/images/cme_resources/Public/speeches/a_dog_helps_dog_world.pdf
>>> he state that one of the central economic challenges is to:
>>> "6. to take advantage of the digital economy, we can embrace the
>>> creative commons of co-operation online, from open source to platforms
>>> for user generated content, rather than try to shore up traditional
>>> private business. If there can be increasing as well as diminishing
>>> returns to investment in a knowledge economy, then economic policy
>>> should economic sharing and limit private monopolies, rather than
>>> increasing the protectionism of intelletual property as the UK and EU
>>> has done."
>>> I met with Ed shortly after he started his new job and we discussed
>>> some of the amazing potential for Co-operative and Open Source
>>> movements to well, cooperate.
>>> For example, imagine what could happen if the Mondragon Assembly
>>> factory factory (i.e. they make things that makes things)
>>> http://www.mondragon-assembly.com/ (itself part of a much larger co-op
>>> group) co-operated with people on the Open Manufacturing list
>>> http://openmanufacturing.org/ and amazing projects like Open Source
>>> Ecology http://openfarmtech.org !
>>> Please let me know ASAP if you can help make this happen.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Josef.
>>> --
>>> Josef Davies-Coates
>>> 07974 88 88 95
>>> http://uniteddiversity.com
>>> Together We Have Everything
>>> --
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>> --
>> Suresh Fernando
>> WEBSITE: http://radical-inclusion.com
>> WEBSITE: http://openkollab.com
>> FAN PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/openkollab.
>> BLOG: http://sureshfernando.wordpress.com
>> TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sureshf
>> FACEBOOK: facebook.com/suresh.fernando
>> 604-889-8167
> --
> Employment profile: http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/page/Phoebe_Moore
> JCEPS--my recent article: UK Education, Employability and Everyday Life
> http://www.jceps.com/index.php?pageID=article&articleID=151
> Media Ecologies workshop, Nov 2009, Manchester
> http://www.espach.salford.ac.uk/sssi/p2p/index.html
> Manchester Film Cooperative: http://www.manchesterfilm.coop/

Suresh Fernando
WEBSITE: http://radical-inclusion.com
WEBSITE: http://openkollab.com
FAN PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/openkollab.
BLOG: http://sureshfernando.wordpress.com
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sureshf
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/suresh.fernando
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