[p2p-research] Corporations should not be people

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Mon Jan 25 22:55:40 CET 2010


some months ago, I asked on this list opinions about the Program on
corporations, law & democracy (www.poclad.org), whose basic assumption
is that many problems of the current system stem only from the fact
that "corporations have the same rights as people, even if they are
ubiquitous, immortal and much more rich than any single human being"

Some time later Michel had even asked or sent (I don't remember well,
sorry) me questions and links on the same topic, but it came in a
moment when I was too swamped with other things. However, I discovered
by pure chance that, just today, D. Blankenhorn has re-explained quite
well (IMHO) the same concept in a short piece, so here it is:


Feedback is very welcome, of course.

(1) This is, IIRC, the link I had given back then:
Explaining global warming to home buyers:

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