[p2p-research] Forward Foundation Distributed Manufacturing Networked Economic Development

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 16:22:22 CET 2010

Greetings OK community,

As part of our collaboration in
http://wiki.openkollab.com/wagn/OK_Pooled_Fund The Forward Foundation
is setting aside time and resources to pursue networked economic
development with a limited number of projects that are profiled in the
Distributed Manufacturing Ecosystem mentioned in an email by Suresh

We are currently working with open pario (http://openpario.com)
Cubespawn (http://cubespawn.com) and have discussed this with Smari
from Tangible Bit http://tangiblebit.com/

Based on initial ecosystem mapping, we are exploring the potentials
for multiple revenue and self-sustenance models with the projects
named above, then co-creating proposals with these projects for
funding, or helping them launch and build these new activities. Our
model is to make some form of partnership agreement with these
projects that returns our investment back to us. Forward foundation
creates these agreements per project.

We also have parallel efforts in food production/sustainable
agriculture, cultural production, energy production, and software

The main value that we'll bring to the table for distributed
manufacturing will include:

1. Development of F/LOSS infrastructure for making, sharing and using
the technologies that you are developing

2. Useful strategies for digitizing your project, sharing, attracting
and sustaining contributors and collaborators based on the needs of

3. Research and development of multiple *sustainable* and *ethical*
revenue models, and a strategy for connecting these usefully to F/LOSS
hardware without derailing/destroying the nature of the commons of the
project itself

We are working towards creating new relationships based on goals,
needs and resources (the Open Kollab Model) between projects that are
mapped in the Distributed Manufacturing Ecosystem, so we want to feed
this work *back into* the
http://wiki.openkollab.com/wagn/OK_Pooled_Fund in order to strengthen
the portfolio being built by this community.

Over the next 4 months, we have resources to work with one more
distributed manufacturing project in this manner. If you are
interested please reply here, or to me personally. Thanks, and look
forward to hearing from you.

Sam Rose
Forward Foundation
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

"The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human
ambition." - Carl Sagan

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