[p2p-research] The open-source hydrogen car set to change the industry

Nicholas Roberts nicholas at themediasociety.org
Thu Jan 21 13:39:15 CET 2010

The open-source hydrogen car set to change the industry

Alex McDonald

20th January, 2010
Cars are evil, right? But what if they ran on hydrogen, did 300 miles per
gallon, were leased rather than owned, and were produced under an open
source business model...

We have often been introduced to the car of
but one company has now created a car with the future in mind. But it is
about far more than just a car, it’s about a business model that is
challenging the very architecture of the auto industry.

Riversimple’s <http://www.riversimple.com/> network electric car is a
hydrogen fuel cell powered car, with unique technologies that enable it to
run on a 6kW fuel cell, with a fuel consumption equivalent to 300 miles per
gallon and greenhouse gas emissions at 30g per km, well-to-wheel - less than
a third of that from the most efficient petrol-engine cars currently

It also has the potential to be 10 times cleaner still if the hydrogen is
produced from renewable energy.

*Open source*

But what is extraordinary about Riversimple is that their business model is
trying to move away from the current auto industry practice that has left us
with the inefficient, one-size-fits-all car.

The first departure from the conventional business plan is that the designs
of the car will be released under an open
source<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source>licence. This allows
people to freely build on ideas and designs, speeding
up innovation and enabling technologies to be quickly improved, meeting the
needs of people rather than markets.

'There is such a yawning gap between the environmental performance of cars
and what is sustainable, that I don’t believe a purely competitive world can
ever get us there,' says Hugo Spowers, the brains behind Riversimple.

'[open source] really does produce this constant and very rapid drive toward
absolute excellence, which I think is needed in the current circumstances. I
have precious little faith in regulation ever pushing us in that direction.'

*Shared learning*

To aid the development of the open source hardware community, Riversimple
has set up the 40 Fires Foundation, an open-source hardware group that
anyone can join to share expertise and develop technologies.

Before any official launch, the foundation has already registered over 300
people with expertise in various areas, showing the huge potential for an
open-source technology community.

And this potential can be far reaching:

'Open source allows [developing] countries to build their own technological
capacity without having to be liable for any cash fees to the first world,'
says Spowers. The foundation can also take briefs from other countries,
adapting technologies as required.

*Small-scale production*

Complementing the open source philosophy, the manufacturing requirements of
the car mean that the size of production plant will be greatly scaled down.

The low component count of the cars and their carbon composite bodies, means
that smaller plants will be needed. Riversimple expect one plant to
manufacture around 5,000 cars a year, unlike the production of the
conventional pressed steel bodies, where a factory will spit out about
300,000 a year of the same model - necessary for the economies of scale.

'When you are doing it at that scale,' says Spowers, 'the breakeven volume
at which a model becomes commercially viable is 100 times lower. So you can
genuinely build cars that suit people's needs, rather than the opposite
extreme which is the lunacy of the "world car".'

As a result, the industry can become more distributed: it will be possible
to have smaller plants in different places, making different models that are
more suitable for different geographies or cultural needs.

*Cars will not be sold*

Another significant departure from the conventional business model is that
the cars will be leased, not sold. The leasing will include the maintenance
of the car, the fuel and the recycling of the car at the end of its life.

The idea behind leasing the cars is primarily to bring the incentive of
making the cars more sustainable in their production, maintenance and use,
back to the manufacturer.

'There’s no driver for resource efficiency if we sell the car,' says
Spowers. 'If we sell the cars… we have a direct incentive to sell as many
cars as possible, so there’s absolutely no commercial sense to build in
longevity, low running cost or fuel efficiency – the opposite in fact.'

In providing the opportunity to produce niche specific cars, Riversimple
will also be paving the way for a wider cultural shift in car use. The
leasing of the cars will undermine the 'commodity value' of the car, leaving
drivers only with the use value of the car and, as designs develop and
specialised cars are produced, people will - in theory - lease the right car
for the right job, rather than the right car for their image.

*Car clubs*

With this in mind, Riversimple expects car clubs to be major customers.
'Car clubs tease apart the functionality of cars,' says Spowers.

For most people, he says, '95 per cent of their [car] requirements will be
covered by a certain set of needs, but they buy a car to meet 100 per cent
of their needs, and that’s dictated by the last 5 per cent. If 95 per cent
of their requirements is on their own, commuting a 20 mile distance and then
every couple of weeks they’ll go away with the family, they’ll buy an estate
car for that one journey every couple of weeks. …

'If you have car clubs – and they really have mushroomed recently – it means
that people can buy the car for 95 per cent of their needs and rely on the
car club for the 5 per cent. I think that is a really crucial element in
moving towards much more niche, specific, appropriate vehicles for
appropriate uses.'

Riversimple cars are expected to be on trial in the UK from 2012. Around 50
cars will be leased in one or two cities, supported by the local authority.

Several local authorities have expressed interest including Oxford and

*Hydrogen fuel*

One of the major challenges for the Riversimple concept is getting the
hydrogen to the cars. In partnership with BOC and participating Local
Authorities, Riversimple hopes to overcome this by starting small and
building the infrastructure as demand grows.

Hydrogen refuelling stations will be built in the participating cities, and,
as the cars and their hybrids become more popular, the network will build
and eventually become extensive enough to support intercity travel.

The efficiency of the Riversimple car is expected to make the transportation
of enough hydrogen to fuel stations feasible.


Spowers himself conveys an infectious sense of urgency.
'There’s a window of opportunity of about ten years in which I think we’ve
got a chance of establishing this,' he says. 'In about 10 years time, people
will have a steel bodied fuel cell car with probably a 60 KW fuel cell
system in a commercially viable, ordinary five-seater family car.

'The problem with that is that it will require about four times as much fuel
than a car built on the principles we are advocating. And once fuel cell
cars are available in the conventional steel bodied platform, then it will
be very much harder to ever go back and re-address the fundamental
architecture. I don’t think you’ll be able to do it.'

If the opportunity is missed, says Spowers, cars will be made for the mass
market, people will depend on one-size-fits-all and innovation will remain

Nicholas Roberts
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